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True Resurrection

9th-Level Necromancy


This spell returns a dead creature back to life. By touching a creature that has been dead for no longer than 200 years and died of any reason other than old age, the caster returns the creature completely to life if the creature's soul is free and willing to return. Any wounds, poisons, diseases, or curses afflicting the creature are instantly cured, and any missing organs or limbs are replaced. An undead creature raised by this is restored to its form in life.   This spell can even provide a new body to the target if the original no longer exists, in which case the creature's name must be spoken instead of touching the body.

Side/Secondary Effects

Despite being wholly returned physically to the land of the living, souls resurrected through true resurrection may not mentally be as they once were. The soul retains all memories of their past life, and so the potential trauma of death may continue to haunt them even in their new life.   On top of that, returned souls often carry memories of the afterlife, wherever they were, which may impact their psychological state in life. Although they may have the same flesh as before, there is no guarantee that this creature will return wholly the same.
Material Components
  • A sprinkle of holy water OR an arcane focus
  • Diamonds worth at least 25,000 gold pieces (consumed)
Gestures & Ritual
  • Vocal: Recite arcane passage.
  • Somatic: Surround the target with the diamonds. Flick holy water onto target or touch arcane focus with one hand and target with the other.
Related Discipline
Related School
Effect Duration
Effect Casting Time
1 hour
Applied Restriction
This spell, being necromancy, is illegal to practice within the dominion of the Wizarding Collection.

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Cover image: All Zombies Now by Dominik Mayer


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