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9th-Level Conjuration


There is no greater spell a mortal can cast than that of the wish spell. Already considered by some to be on a level close to godliness, the rules of the wish spell are simple but effective: by simply stating "I wish..." and stating whatever they desire after, the caster can make whatever they desire become reality in the blink of an eye. With no more trouble than stating a few simple words, the caster can alter the fabric of existence in ways that even the gods don't trouble with. There are almost no limits to the ability of the wish spell, save for a few:  
  1. One cannot ask for multiple wishes in the same wish. One wish is a done wish and no more than that.
  2. Do not use wish to heavily interfere with divine beings. Gods do not appreciate having their affairs meddled with by mortals.
  This spell nudges at the limits of what mortals are capable of doing, and as such, many scholars have argued fervently against the casting of the spell, citing all the ways things could go wrong as evidence that mortals were never meant to hold such power.   Such power laid in mortal hands often leads to unforeseen consequences: the greater the wish, the greater the likelihood that things may go wrong. One who wishes an enemy were dead may be propelled forward to a point in time when the enemy is not alive, hundreds of years into the future. It is a spell that toys with forces beyond mortal perception, and as such, should be treated with great caution, if even permitted at all.

Side/Secondary Effects

Casting the wish spell itself can have an enormous toll on the caster's body. Of the few surviving accounts from those who have cast the spell, many describe a "cold, rotting presence in their soul" whenever they try to perform magic following the casting of the spell.   This in turn goes along with night terrors, physical weakness, and the possibility of scars similar to a yellow burst on the face and neck as well as a reduction in iris pigmentation.   Not only that, but there is reasonable evidence to assume that even casting wish results in a one-in-three chance of never being able to cast the spell again. Wish is an enormous spell that is not to be taken lightly, and with its great power comes great consequences.


The manifestation of wish varies based on the nature of the spell, but many have described it as looking like a "re-knitting of reality." It can rewind or rush through time, create or destroy landforms: it truly depends on the wish of the caster, but no matter what, wish often appears to be a re-working of reality itself.
Gestures & Ritual
Vocal: "I wish..."
Related Discipline
Related School
Effect Duration
Effect Casting Time
6 seconds
Applied Restriction
This spell is illegal within the dominion of the Wizarding Collection.

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