The Holy Marriage Tradition / Ritual in Naharin | World Anvil

The Holy Marriage

"Give him a prosperous and glorious reign... ...grant him the permanent crown with radiant and noble diadem..."

Excerpt from the Holy Marriage Ni 9602 (Nippur), Ur3-

Every year at the New Year's festival, which took place in spring in Naharin, the ritual of the holy marriage was performed between the city prince and a high priestess. It not only symbolized the cycle of life, but was also intended to confirm the legitimacy of the ruler to the throne.   The origin lies in the marriage of the goddess Inanna with the god Dumuzi. After Dumuzi had not mourned for his wife when Inanna died and rose again during her journey to the realm of the dead, he was kidnapped by demons on her return to the underworld and from then on had to spend six months in the underworld alternately. After his return, the two gods were able to reunite and the land that had dried up and withered blossomed into new life.   The belief in and worship of the goddess Inanna was so widespread throughout Mesopotamia that starting from the large city of Uruk, since the 2nd millennium BC every ruler entered into an alliance with the goddess and described himself in inscriptions as the husband of Inanna. Through the union, the prince became the mediator between gods and mortals.

"... As a shepherd, let him multiply the sheep
Under his reign let it be rich in plant growth and grain..."

Excerpt from the Holy Marriage Ni 9602 (Nippur), Ur3-


A servant of the Temple of Inanna from Uruk relates:

"In the month of Nisannu we celebrated the festival of barley cutting "Akiti-šekinku" for eleven days. On the night of the 10th day, when neither day nor night ruled the other, we praised the marriage of our goddess Inanna with her lover Dumuzi. Inanna's place was taken by our high priestess. Our lord embodied Dumuzi.

Days before, servants began to prepare the ritual in the palace and our temple. In the palace they established a bed and a throne. Delicious food and drink were prepared for the banquet celebrations that followed the ritual. In our temple Eanna, sacrifices were made to our goddess.

We bathed the priestess that day in the fresh water of the Buranun (sumerian Euphrates), mixed with fresh gazelle milk and fragrant oils. After the bath we cleaned her skin so that it was silky smooth. Our priestess was put two chains of small and large pearls of lapis lazuli on her neck and waist, connected by another chain between her bosom.

We dressed her in festive linen, woven with fine designs and embroidered with golden fringes. The flowing black hair was braided and adorned with gold jewellery. The eyes were accentuated with charcoal and powder.

After the ritual purification, we received the groom and the bride guides at the threshold of our house Eanna. In a small procession we passed through the entrance to the heart of our temple. The air was thick with the scent of incense and the smoke of flickering lights. We received the bridal gifts, which consisted of flax, milk, cheese and barley."

by Blue Fairy 74 via Midjourney
by Blue Fairy 74 via Midjourney
"In the center in front of the altar stood two statues symbolizing our holy goddess and her beloved. Our Priestess and the ruler joined hands and walked towards the altar and stood in front of the statues. Then they kept the pledges of allegiance narrated by Inanna and Dumuzi.

Then we left the temple and moved to the ruler's palace. The bride and groom were escorted by the groomsmen to a bed set on a dais and draped in colored fabrics and sheer curtains.

We undressed the bridal couple and took our places behind dark wooden walls, from which wonderful ornaments were carved. While festive round dances sounded, the guests enjoyed the food and drinks, the ritual was ended by our priestess and the prince."

Cover image: Die Welt von Naharin by Blue Fairy 74 via Midjourney


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Aug 12, 2023 15:04

(As I said previously ^^) Stellar work! The ritual feels like there is a great deal of history and culture behind it and that results in the whole thing feeling very much like it always was supposed to be there "holding the world together"

Yours truly, Nino.
Its Worldember!I am building out a spooky world, which you can read about here! (psst, its a link)
To learn about my main world click on this link! (if you want to ;) )
Aug 13, 2023 04:20

Thank you so much, for this lovely comment. It´s one of the best compliments, I have ever get.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.

Psst join the Copper-Party during Summer Camp 2024 and I would be very happy if you would celebrate my SC contributions with me.