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The Ancient Palace

The Ancient Palace is one of the legendary sites referenced in the The Ancient Scrolls. Like all the sites from the Ancient Scrolls, it is known if the Ancient Palace exists (or used to exist), or whether it is simply a legend.   According to the scrolls, the Ancient Palace is located at the base of The Ancient Tower, carved into the Ancient Mountain.   Below is a transcription of the description of the Ancient Palace from the Ancient Scrolls.

Scroll Transcription

Of the many wonders of the ancient world, the Ancient Palace is one of the most mysterious. It is built into the Ancient Mountain and covered with creeping vines. At the bottom of the mountain is the only entrance, blocked by a rusty iron gate. The palace is as tall as the mountain, but only three stories show. At the top is the Ancient Tower, another wonder of the Ancient World. Only the most loyal subjects were granted permission to enter. It is built with the hardest stone and is packed together like puzzle pieces. There is a hidden path that only few can find. There are many kinds of plants; sometimes you can even find sweetberries*. Most of the plants are herbs such as mint, lavender, and rosemary. Some are simply decorative like violets, roses, and foxgloves.

*Sweetberries are strawberries


Map of the Ancient Sites, including the Ancient Palace.
The accompanying image of the Ancient Palace.
(Unknown image credit.)


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