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The Snow Forest

The Snow Forest is a legendary forest in Naiko. According to legend, the Snow Forest is a forest in the land of the Seasonal Elves where the trees were blessed by the goddess Ethrinia to have white leaves. This was to honor the Winter Elves' aid to the other Seasonal Elves during the legendary tyrannical rule of a being known as Jack Frost. It is unknown whether any of this story is true; there is no known forest with white leaves, nor is there any record to indicate that Jack Frost was real, much less ruled over the Seasonal Elves.    Below is a transcription of the description of the legend of the Snow Forest from an ancient source.


Once, long ago before there were four different seasons in Naiko, Jack Frost ruled the whole land of seasons. When Jack Frost ruled, he made it always be winter because he got sick when it was warm and he liked cold weather best. All of the winter elves were fine, but the spring, summer, and autumn elves were not. The spring and autumn elves got coughs, and the summer elves got very bad colds. All the winter elves helped the other elves, but they were still very sick. Finally, the goddess Ethrinia banished Jack Frost. In the land of spring, daffodils sprung into bloom. In the land of summer, trees grew beautiful green leaves. And in the land of autumn, the leaves turned golden and ruby red and some fell off. But in the land of winter, nothing changed. So the goddess Ethrinia made all the leaves in the Snow Forest white so the other elves could remember how the winter elves had helped them when Jack Frost ruled.
The accompanying image of the Snow Forest.
(Unknown image credit.)


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