Seiken Item in Naita | World Anvil
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A set of eleven magical swords each with power over a element.They include: Rekka(fire),Nagare(water),Ikazuchi(lightning),Gekido(earth),Hayate(wind), Suzune(sound),Kurayami(darkness),Saikou(light),Noroshi(smoke),Kaiji(time), and Kyomu(void)

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The blades are cooated with runes that resonate with a users will to activate the magicl.The more powerful the bond the more powerful the sword.


According to legends when the cosmic swordsman united the world his swords broke into eleven lesser swords each with a part of the origionals power.


Obtaining even one of the seiken is considered the holy grail of magical weapons.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Creation Date
Related Technologies
Owning Organization
Each Seiken is one of a kind and replication has made mixed results.
2lbs (5lbs Gekido)

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