BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Chapter 4, Session 5: The Destruction of Character

General Summary

Don't forget Peregrine, you saved him.
  • Peregrine's nightmarish visions taunt her over [Whispering Light.
  Jumping straight back into the Elementa game, Sigholdt Sofiasson cast his Vow of Emnity on the dummy, hitting it straight into the opponent’s Goal Keeper, who missed his parry. Esmerae then doubled up and used Eldritch Blast to move the dummy past the keeper, so close to victory! Peregrine shook off her terror caused by the column of fire the other team summoned as Hermione of Vallea summoned another Aether Lance, laying down traps across the field as Malus bigged up the boys to enhance the team for the following round.   Kaechaek United kept failing to hit the dummy away from their goal, before finally succeeding with their Rogue who had proved to be the most consistent performer for them, that was, until it triggered Hermione’s trap card and another aether lance kept them in danger. Meanwhile, the mages targeted Esmerae, destroying her last Mirror Image and luckily only hitting her for a small amount of damage. In a wombo combo, Esmerae smashed the dummy back to Sigholdt, who slammed it into Artial, knocking him out. With a final hit, Sigholdt hit the dummy over the line, and with the keeper failing his save, the party won round 1!     The party got a minute to re-prep for round 2. After swapping positions with Sigholdt, Malus transformed as Peregrine cast haste on him and Hermione summoned ‘Protector Jolly’ to boost Malus’ AC, while Esmerae transformed into ravens as part of her preparation for the round.
Malus hit the dummy forward as Peregrine cast Ray of Frost at the strikers and laid a Misty Step trap. Esmerae used her Eldritch Blast to push the dummy while moving to block a mage as Sigholdt got the crowd to chant “You’re shit and ya know you are”, directed at the opposing team. As Hermione cast Mirror image on Malus, now giving him all the buffs, he then got hit with a Hold Person spell, while Peregrine was targeted by Magic Missile by the other team. Seeing the issue, Peregrine called to Hermione to target the mage that was concentrating on Hold Person - Hermione proceeded to launch the mage off the pitch, freeing Malus. Esmerae launched the dummy forward with Malus chasing after, as Sigholdt continued to rally the crowd. Peregrine used a Misty Step trap to teleport the Goal Keeper away to clear the way for the strikers. Hermione was suddenly hit by retaliatory Magic Missiles from the mage she threw off the pitch. The other team went on full defence as Malus was Misty Stepped away, but he ran right back as Peregrine hit all 3 defenders with a massive Guiding Bolt radiating from the dummy. Taking out the keeper with her Aether Lance and damaging the strikers, Hermione tried to clear the way for Malus and Esmerae.     Sigholdt failed to rally the crowd as the mages hit Esmerae and Hermione with Magic Missiles, and Artial hurriedly stepped in as Keeper, while the other striker pushed the dummy away from the goal. Peregrine healed Esmerae and Hermione before teleporting a mage away to clear another path for the team. Hermione missed with a chromatic orb, but Esmerae did another onebo combo with Malus, pushing the dummy his way so he could slam it straight into the goal. Peregrine had a friendly chat with Eleonora, while Sigholdt was an awkward ass to Artial (supported by the party of course). The party checked in with their sponsor, Cherish Gray, who was very pleased with their work and was happy to keep sponsoring them. Sigholdt also agreed to come by later to help with the lake cleaning.     Downtime began, and Peregrine went to look for Whisper and Stretched Ink, accompanied by Malus, Esmerae and Hermione. With some good luck checks and good persuasion checks, the party learned that Stretched Ink was under arrest, while Whisper was in the Diviner’s Temple for an ‘extended rest’. Initially, they were told they would have to wait a few days, and while they would still have to wait for the guards to arrange security for a visit to Stretched Ink, they were permitted to go to Whisper straight away. After being led to the temple and asking an attendant, Peregrine ran to where Whisper was lying in a suspended animation/coma, blackened and severely burned. She learned that, while he does heal, he bursts into flames each night again, and was brought to Diamond by Stretched Ink who said “I’m killing him” before letting herself be taken into custody. Peregrine thanked the cleric, getting permission to visit again, before running out of the temple to throw up in horror at realising she was the reason for Whisper’s burning.   Meanwhile, Sigholdt went to The Arcane Cog to ask if the Migration of Nightmares and Dreams had come through Diamond (as well as to get a ring). The shop owner confirmed they did, as he had lost an assistant to it - Umbral Black. Sigholdt offered to deliver a written warning to them, learning they had gone North. He bought platinum rings before going to lake cleaning.   Back with the rest of the group, Malus tried to comfort Peregrine as she confessed what the dreams had done. Hermione awkwardly hugged Peregrine while looking around for help, realising the group without Peregrine was very bad at offering ‘comfort’. Eventually Peregrine put on her emotional mask, thanking the others and leaving. Esmerae, Malus and Hermione discussed what to do next, feeling uneasy about Peregrine and her situation and realising there wasn’t much they could do. Esmerae and Hermione went to buy her flowers, while Malus chose to follow Peregrine.   Peregrine went to The Steam Elixir Emporium, purchasing 2 healing potions and 1 sleep potion, after getting confirmation she could visit Stretched Ink in 3 days. After buying the potions she headed back to the tavern to use the sleep potion to try and speak with her dreams.   Peregrine’s Dream Conversation: Peregrine: Why? Dreams: You’re welcome (in Whisper’s voice) Peregrine: What do you want? I’m tired of playing your sick games Dreams: You are under a misconception Peregrine, you believe that we’re playing with you. You aren’t even aware of the game being played. The Firbolg had it coming. He deserved a million more sufferings. But you asked us to keep him safe, and so you have found him as safe as possible. Would you have rather us let him leave and let him go to the Inkbowl, where he would have been in far more mortal danger? Besides, you tell your friends we often burn you alive every night and you don’t so much as feel it. So why should he?     Peregrine asked/told the Dreams to remove their ‘protection’     Dreams: We hope you enjoy the time you get with your Firbolg. And don’t forget, you saved him, Peregrine.     The flames close in but for once Peregrine did not flinch or cry or curl into a ball. She stood tall and defiant and did not look away. In anger, the dreams dealt 6d6 psychic damage for her insolence.     After waking, Malus got a blanket to help Peregrine as she woke up bleeding. The pair talked, and Malus suggested they look for others like Peregrine, perhaps she wasn’t the only one? At that moment, Esmerae and Hermione arrived with a large bouquet to cheer Peregrine up: Chamomile (patience in adversity), Dill (powerful against evil/smells and tastes good), Forget-me-not (True love/memories), Gladiolus (strength), Pansy (#goodvibes), and Zinnia (thoughts of absent friends). Peregrine and Malus caught them up and the group decided to ask Sigholdt to cast Dream on Whisper to try and communicate with him and learn why he wanted to go to Inkbowl.     Meanwhile, Sigholdt bonded with the lake cleaners as a large and hefty Leonine with deep facial scarring and a mane matted/knotted with fresh and aged blood, and 2 greatswords appeared... Black-Blooded Sinthrish... They announced they were of the Black Blooded, and had come for Malus, having seen/heard of him entering the Elementa competitions.
Report Date
20 Aug 2024


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