Mutated Animals of the Fen

The Fence at the Frozen Fen has always been a strange place. Who or what lurks behind the fence? Not many know, as whoever does know never comes back from exploring beyond the fence. Some of the wildlife has been seen around and even over the fence recently and the reports are disturbing, to say the least. There have been reports of frogs with extra limbs cropping up in the summer when the fog hits the fen. During the autumn hunting moon, one hunter was said to have killed a deer with razor sharp teeth and the mouth and jaw of a dog. It seemed hungry and when the hunter found it, it was feasting on his hunting partner. Birds migrate from there to reach the warmer weather of the south and come back in the spring to breed. Many have noticed baby birds with an extra set of wings and in one case, multiple heads. These mutated animals seem to be more hostile than the regular ones. Many believe that this is the doing of Dr. Phestis, a crazy alchemist who uses the Fen as a social experiment to cure the Soul's Wasting.

What could be going on in the minds of these people? What could possibly be causing the mutations? My guess is that it would be magical waste that is occuring near the testing facility. It must be contaminating the water and ground around it. How did I come to this conclusion you might ask. Was I supposed to track down one of the people who run this facility and knock them unconscious and steal their identity? No. Did I do it anyway? Yes.
by Leashea


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