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Cyntha is the goddess of love and is one of the few gods that meddles with mortal creatures on the daily. She simply can't help herself, being a romantic herself, she loves helping every creature find their respective mate. In fact she is convinced there is someone for everyone. However this behaviour more often than not causes a lot of trouble as she doesn't always take into account that some people might already have found their true love or multiple people might love the same person. Hence why it isn't always a smart thing to pray to her. She is very whimsical and controlled by her emotions in an almost neurotic way and she doesn't make a distinction between love and straight out obsession.

Divine Domains

Love, romance, pleasure, passion, procreation, fertility, beauty and desire in all it's forms.

Divine Symbols & Sigils


Cyntha is heavily worshipped on Love Day as that is a holiday completely dedicated to her and her work.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Her main goal is to bring love into the world, self love, love between creatures, love within family.


She has smaller shrines all over the world often near places of healing, entertainment and relaxation. Her larger temples are a little bit taboo as they are no stranger to large orgies, which is one of her highest forms of worship.

Divine Form

Divine Classification
Goddess of Love


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