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The hearth is essential for warmth, food preparation, and the completion of sacrificial offerings to deities. She is a protective deity, spreading her warmth to all who need it. One could even just speak to the flames of the hearth, and tell them of their troubles, as if they were talking to Focistra herself; this to get things of their minds, talk it out, get it of their chest (so to speak), and of course praying.Some heroes and gods tried to court her, but she rejected them all so she could keep focusing on her role as a guardian goddess, and care for families in their homes.

Divine Domains

Hearth, warmth, domesticity, virginity, fire and family are all the things she rules over, she will often even manifest herself in the form of a flame.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Divine Goals & Aspirations

her main goal is to spread her warmth and flame all over the world as she believes everyone deserve this warmth.


She has a couple of shrines and temples in places where it's colder, as the people of those regions rely on the warmth of the hearth to not get cold or sick, where one truly needs to strength of family to pull through the bitter cold and endure.
These shrines and temples always contain a brazier with a big flame, given by the goddess herself to the mortals. It is sacred that the priestesses, who have taken a Vow of Chastity, made sure this fire was maintained. These Priestesses are also called "Focistra Virgins".
These women are able to live financially independant and comfortable lives as it is a great honour to be a Focistra Virgin. The chastity of these holy women is considered to have a direct bearing on the health of all families.
Allowing the Focistrian Flame to die out, suggesting that the goddess had withdrawn her protection from the regian, is a serious offence. Because their chastity is thought to be directly correlated to the sacred burning of the fire, if the fire were extinguished it might be assumed that a priestess had been unchaste and thus unfaithful causing said priestess to be banned from the temple and have any perks she might've been enjoying revoked.

Divine Form

Divine Classification
Goddess of the Hearth


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