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The goddess of the underworld and wife of Samaël, often seen as a flock of crows. She grants souls passage to their respective afterlives if they are deserving. If the soul is dark and undeserving she sends them to her husband, any 'grey' souls remain with her as her eternal servants. Unlike her husband she isn't evil, much like the souls that she enlists as servants her allignment is more or less a grey-zone. She's also a collector and herder of lost souls, souls that Anthaos was unable to collect, something that is happening more and more since the darkness began to corrupt the land.

Divine Domains

She conducts finaly judgement on incoming souls and leads them to their respective afterlives. She also specializes in the collection of lost souls.

Divine Symbols & Sigils


She's often praised together with her husband on All Hallow's Eve.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Essentially her only goal is to keep supplying the underworld with souls and make sure they are sent to the right afterlife.


Most if not all public places dedicated to her are near graveyards and always have her and her husband depicted as it is believed both are needed in the afterlife despite the fact that her husband is mostly feared, not worshipped.

Divine Form

Divine Classification
Goddess of the Underworld


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