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She is responsible for the stars and the nightsky while also being the wife of Sin. They complete each other perfectly hence why their bond is so unbreakable, one would literally fall apart without the other.
She's a very calm and quiet goddess and only rarely reveals herself to mortal creatures since she simply sees no need to. She usually leaves mortal affairs up to her husband and quietl supports him. Both dieties are also very sensitive in nature which is exactly why they work so well together.

Divine Domains

The stars, night, shadows and constelations. She is also mostly seen as a star or on the rare occasion she feels the need to interact with mortals she turns into a majestic white moth.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Her goal is to complete her duty, to light up the night sky with stars and constellations as well as support her husband.


There aren't many shrines dedicated to her, she is most prayed to watch over people and their little ones when the night falls, especially during the winter time when the days are short and the nights are long and dark. When prayed to she often manifests herself as a very bright start, brighter than all the others. her favorite offerings are incense sticks which should be burned when the sun goes down, as she is said to dance with the smoke during the night.

Divine Form

Divine Classification
Goddess of Night


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