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Often seen as a young woman cloaked in the moast beautiful of flowers and other flora. She presides over grains and the general fertility of the earth. She is one of the most praised gods because she is one of the most important. Without her there will be no harvest. The spring and summer months are the times of year that she is considered to be at the height of her power. Winter and Fall are seen as a test of faith, as she will reduce her power and allow a blanket of snow to cover the realm. It is believed that those who stay patient and take proper precautions for Winter while continuing their worship will be granted a bountiful harvest later on in the year. It is also seen as a way to teach creatures humility and let them know that as in life the world gives and the world takes.

Divine Domains

Harvest, fertility, agriculture, life, nature and the seasons are all things Yavanna controls as her name literally means 'giver of fruits'.

Divine Symbols & Sigils



She is often worshipped during Mabon, Litha and also Lughnasad as these holidays are all about harvest and fertility while also preparing for the harsh weather that is to come.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Her main goal is to spread her fertility far and wide and provide bountiful harvests so each creature can hopefully make it through the winter. She also aims to make creatures live in harmony with nature.


Shrines dedicated to her can often be found near the fields and and farms. She is heavily worshipped, especially during the spring and summer months but also during the winter as people believe this will not only benefit them during the future harvest but also for their own survival.

Divine Form

Divine Classification
Goddess of Nature


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