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Ythos is the messenger of the gods but also god of travel, commerce, communication, borders, eloquence, diplomacy and games. He also has a very important secondary job of guiding any lost souls to their respective place in the afterlife and can be contacted by burning letters on his shrine. It is believed that the letter will work almost like a prayer and depending on how well he enjoys reading your letter he may grant you a favour, though these favours are rare as he often very busy.
Perhaps another noteworthy thing about Ythos is that he seems to be the only god who is always portrayed with wings and actively uses them. His wings are also one of the largest wings ever seen of a diety.

Divine Domains

Travel, transport, guidance, commerce & communication are all things Ythos is responsible for and he takes his job very seriously despite his playful personality.

Divine Symbols & Sigils


Divine Goals & Aspirations

Essentially he just wants to keep the world and it's dieties connected. He wants creatures to be able to travel and explore.


Small shrines dedicated to him can usually be found at crossroads, near post services or at the start and end of a very dangerous road/area. Most travellers know about him and when you have someone in your family who travels a lot it isn't uncommon to give them a white feather for good luck.

Divine Form

Divine Classification
God of travel


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