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As God of the Sea he doesn't meddle with mortal lives as much as the other gods might. However despite this he does seem to be rather hot headed and is fast to act whenever he feels disrespected.

He is also known to be one of the more filrtacious gods often courting women without taking their consent into consideration. This is all done to soothe and hide a deep pain the god feels as he is separated from his true love, Calypso goddess of the sea, sea life and original goddess of horses.
While Zectar rules over the sea she is said to be the embodiment of the sea itself, closely related to the elemental goddess Trite.
She disappeared many years ago. No one quite knows what happened to her, all is known that since her disappearance the seas have become rougher, more unforgiving as Zectar is constantly wheeping for his lost love.

Divine Domains

Zectar is the god of the seas, water, storms, hurricanes, earthquakes and horses, often manifesting himself as a horse or merman for these reasons.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Long ago Zectar's goals might've been more related to the world and creatures in it though these days all he truly cares about is finding his beloved Calypso. Hence why he generally doesn't react to the prayers of mortals, despite them always trying.


Shrines dedicated to him and his wife can be found near most ports and beaches. There used to be large temples dedicated to the couple near the sea however in his rage Zectar has sunken most of them to the bottom of the sea as he simply couldn't bare to look at them and be reminded of his lost love every day.
They're still used... just not by land dwellers. However it is said he greatly appreciates it when mortals show their respects to his missing wife.

Divine Form

Divine Classification
God of the Seas


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