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The Likos, an indomitable wolf-like species of Naodica, have a reputation that is as multifaceted as their history. Often perceived as raiders and barbarians due to their nomadic tendencies, their legacy also tells tales of a sophisticated past, with majestic kingdoms, grand scholars, and centers of magical learning. Physically imposing, Likos stand tall, often exceeding 6 feet in height. Their robust physique is complemented by sharp teeth, a testament to their hunting prowess. Their thick fur, which provides insulation from harsh elements, varies in shades, reflecting their adaptability to diverse environments – from dense forests to scorching deserts.
The downfall of their great city, Torman, and the subsequent Kingdom of Torag at the hands of their former human slaves is a pivotal point in their history. This led to their dispersion, pushing them back to their nomadic roots. The remnants of this great civilization, however, still linger. Relics from the kingdom are treated with deep reverence, and the tales of their once-majestic past are passed down with pride. Their culture emphasizes adaptability, resilience, and unity. While primarily hunters and raiders now, their cultural heritage pays homage to a time of knowledge and sophistication. Their practices and rituals, from naming conventions to rites of passage, resonate with the echoes of their ancestors.
The Likos's attire, predominantly made of leather, mirrors their rugged lifestyle and is crafted to endure the hardships of their environment. In areas like the desert, they adapt with flowing robes to shield themselves from the sun. Relations with other races are complicated. Their history of raiding often puts them at odds with neighboring civilizations. However, their role as intermediaries in trade and their reputation as fierce warriors ensure they are respected, if not always trusted.

Basic Information


The Likos are distinguished by their wolf-like humanoid form that is intimidating to most species that look upon them. Standing at an imposing average height of above 6 feet, these robust beings are draped in thick fur, which not only shields them from harsh climates but also serves as a display of their inherent strength. The dense, often matted fur of the Likos offers remarkable insulation against both the cold and the heat. The fur's texture and length often varies depending on the specific environment, with desert variants showcasing shorter fur compared to their forest counterparts. Likos possess sharp, canine-like teeth which are not just tools for eating but also formidable weapons in close combat. Muscular and tall, the Likos are built for endurance and power. Their physique, especially among the forest variant, is tailored for hunting and raiding, granting them superior strength.

Biological Traits

Sexual Dimorphism: Male Likos tend to be slightly larger and possess more pronounced muzzles. Their fur, especially around the neck and shoulders, might be thicker, giving them a mane-like appearance. Female Likos, on the other hand, often have sleeker bodies and finer fur. In certain clans, females might exhibit specific patterns or hues, distinguishing them from their male counterparts. Tail: All Likos sport a robust tail, which aids in balance, especially during high-speed chases.   Ears: Their wolf-like ears not only grant them acute hearing but also play a vital role in body temperature regulation, especially in desert variants.

Genetics and Reproduction

Likos reproduce sexually, with a gestation period akin to large mammals. Their reproductive cycle is influenced by their nomadic and raiding lifestyle, ensuring that offspring are born during seasons of relative safety. A typical litter consists of 2 to 3 pups, who are nurtured carefully, keeping in mind the challenges of the nomadic lifestyle.

Growth Rate & Stages

Infancy (0-2 years): Likos pups are born blind and depend entirely on their mothers. They are often kept hidden during raids or long travels.
Childhood (3-10 years): As they grow, pups are taught the ways of the clan, including hunting techniques and the art of raiding.
Adolescence (11-15 years): This is a period of rapid growth and learning. Many embark on their first raids during this time.
Adulthood (16+ years): These Likos have finished physically developing and are full members of their societies at this stage. They often begin taking on roles based on their skills and strengths.

Dietary Needs and Habits

A predator at heart, the Likos have evolved to be near-exclusive carnivores. Their sharp teeth and robust jaws are tailored to tear through meat, and their digestive systems are adapted to derive maximum nutrients from such a diet. Hunting: A primary activity for most Likos, hunting often involves pack tactics to bring down larger prey. Their acute senses aid them in tracking and ambushing their targets.
Scavenging: While hunting is preferred, the Likos won't shy away from scavenging if the situation demands. In hostile terrains or during lean periods, they can rely on carrion to sustain themselves.
Occasional Plant Diet: Though meat forms the bulk of their diet, Likos have been observed consuming certain fruits or berries, particularly in regions where prey is scarce.

Biological Cycle

Being mammals, the Likos undergo typical biological cycles like shedding during certain seasons. Their metabolic rate adjusts to their nomadic lifestyle, often allowing them to endure long periods without food. Hydration is vital, with desert variants having developed efficient ways to retain moisture. The forest Likos, in contrast, rely on their environment for hydration needs. Their biological rhythm, especially the reproductive cycle, aligns with seasons to ensure the safety and survival of their offspring.


Nomadic Nature: The Likos are perpetual wanderers, always on the move, driven by a combination of hunting needs and their intrinsic love for exploration.
Social Structure: Often moving in clans or packs, the Likos have a strong sense of loyalty. Their societal dynamics are built on trust and mutual respect, essential for their raiding lifestyle.
Raiding Culture: Their reputation as fierce raiders stems from both necessity and tradition. While raiding ensures resources, it also establishes their dominance and territorial rights.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Likos boast keen eyesight, particularly in dim light, making them efficient nocturnal hunters. Their wolf-like ears are not just for show. The acute hearing of the Likos aids them in tracking prey or sensing dangers. With a highly-developed sense of smell, they can detect scents from great distances, which is crucial for both hunting and navigation.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Names are sacred in Likos culture, marking significant milestones in their lives. Every Likos is first given a 'childhood name,' often a symbol of hope, aspiration, or ancestral lineage. Upon reaching adulthood, tradition dictates a transition to an 'adult name.' This name maintains a tether to their childhood, often retaining the initial syllable of their earlier name, but appending a suffix reflecting their character, deeds, or aspirations.

Beauty Ideals

Likos beauty is often seen in the strength and luster of their fur. Thick, glossy coats, especially with unique or rare markings, are highly prized. A strong physique, indicative of their warrior and hunting heritage, is seen as attractive across genders. Moreover, clear, vibrant eyes are a symbol of both beauty and wisdom.

Gender Ideals

In Likos society, gender roles are fluid. Both males and females are expected to be proficient hunters, warriors, and protectors of their clans. Leadership qualities are not bound by gender; the strength of character, wisdom, and vision determine one's stature.

Courtship Ideals

Courting in the Likos culture is a blend of displays of prowess and intimate moments of connection. Ritualistic hunts, songs, and dances are common courtship activities. Exchanging tokens, often handcrafted, is a symbol of commitment and affection.

Relationship Ideals

Likos relationships thrive on mutual respect, loyalty, and shared responsibility. It's not uncommon for couples to hunt or fight side by side. Open communication and shared experiences, be it in joy or adversity, strengthen the bond.

Common Etiquette Rules

Greeting: Likos often greet by pressing foreheads, signifying trust. Hunting: Sharing one's hunt with another is a sign of respect and camaraderie.   Conflict: Physical confrontation is reserved for grave disagreements; otherwise, disputes are settled via mediation or communal discussions.   Gifts: Handmade tokens, especially tools or weapons, are highly valued, indicating thought and effort.   Elders: Respecting one's elders, both in listening and caring, is ingrained in their culture. Elders often occupy advisory roles in decision-making.

Common Dress Code

The rugged lifestyle of the Likos reflects in their attire. Crafted predominantly from leather, their clothes serve as both protection and symbol of their relentless spirit. Stitched to endure the adversities of their environment, their garments resist wear and tear, reinforcing the resilience of the Likos. In the scorching deserts, the Likos adapt by donning flowing robes. Made from lightweight materials, these robes shield them from the relentless sun while allowing air circulation, preventing overheating. Hoods are common, often pulled over to protect the face from sand and intense sunlight. The natural colors of the desert – browns, tans, and off-whites – are preferred to help blend into the surroundings.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Though many contemporary Likos lead a life of hunting, nomadism, and raiding, the shadows of their grand past linger in their collective memory. Tales of the once-great Kingdom of Torag, with its renowned scholars and prestigious magic academies, are passed down through generations. These tales are a source of pride and a poignant reminder of what once was. The relics from this bygone era are deemed invaluable, often held by tribes as symbols of their lineage and identity. From scrolls bearing ancient wisdom to enchanted artifacts, these items are treated with reverence, their sacredness maintained through rituals and ceremonies.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Ancestral Reverence: Annual ceremonies are held to honor ancestors, particularly those who held significant roles during the era of the Kingdom of Torag. Rite of Passage: Likos youth undergo a ceremonial hunt, symbolizing their transition to adulthood. Success in this hunt grants them their adult name.   Feasts of Unity: After successful raids or hunts, tribes come together for communal feasts, reinforcing bonds and celebrating their shared heritage.   Sacred Relic Rituals: Periodically, rituals are held around the relics from their kingdom days, with elders narrating tales of their glorious past.

Common Taboos

Desecration of Relics: Damaging or misusing historical relics is one of the gravest sins in Likos culture. Refusing the Hunt: Turning away from the rite-of-passage hunt is seen as an abdication of one's duties to the tribe.   Breaking Trust: Betrayal, especially during raids or hunts, is seen as not just a personal offense but a stain on the tribe's honor.


The storied past of the Likos intertwines with both triumphs and tragedies. From time immemorial, the Likos embraced a nomadic lifestyle, roaming the expansive landscapes of Naodica. However, their aspirations took a grander turn when they founded the majestic city of Torman, and subsequently, the Kingdom of Torag. This monumental establishment became the epicenter of Likos civilization, culture, and pride.   The golden era of the Kingdom, unfortunately, wasn't destined to last. The humans, once their slaves, rose in rebellion, exploiting vulnerabilities in the Likos leadership and defenses. This insurrection culminated in the establishment of the Empire of Zanaro from the remnants of the fallen Kingdom.   In the aftermath, the Likos faced a dark period of persecution. Their once-prized city and kingdom were ripped away, forcing them to revert to their nomadic origins. Likos communities near Zanaro were ruthlessly hunted, pushing them towards the edges: the northern forests, the southerly swamps, and the arid heart of the deserts. The southern refugees encountered the Saber-tooth Katsie of the Miraki Tribes, and over time, forged alliances, integrating into their ranks.

Common Myths and Legends

The First Kingdom: Tales tell of the first Likos chieftain who, with the wisdom of the ancients and the strength of the wolves, united various tribes to form the Kingdom of Torag. Luna's Blessing: It's believed that the moon goddess, Luna, granted the Likos their resilience and prowess in hunting, seeing their spirit and determination.   The Lost Academy: Legends narrate of a hidden academy of Torag, where the greatest Likos magicians and scholars studied. Some believe it still exists, safeguarding the deepest secrets of the Likos.
90 years
Average Height
Ranging from their imposing stature, an average Likos stands anywhere between 6'2" to 7'0".
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Fur: The thick fur of a Likos can vary in hue from deep browns to lighter greys, with some individuals even showcasing snowy white or coal-black coats. Markings: Often, Likos will have unique markings, like stripes or patches, which can serve as identifiers. These patterns are genetic and can hint at lineage or clan affiliations.   Eye Color: Their eyes display a myriad of colors, from the common browns and greens to the more exotic purples, golds, and reds.


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