BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Written by tavmminqat

The Neronian species is one that originally hails from the world of Nataris, a realm of endless skies and floating islands. Their existence on Naodica began after a great sacrifice by their Imperial Family, saving them from Nataris' imminent destruction. These beings are distinguished by their blue skin, which can range across various shades, and three vibrant eyes that encompass a spectrum of colors. Their celestial wings, resembling the vast expanse of the night sky, enhance their otherworldly appearance. Neronian are interconnected through a sharted telepathic and psionic bond known as the Mindweb.
Unlike most races, Neronians do not reproduce biologically. Instead, members of other races undergo a transformation to become Neronian. This rite, while painful, reshapes the individual to match their innermost self, especially in terms of gender. As such, transgender individuals transition seamlessly into their desired form. Nearly any other intelliegent species can transition into a Neronian, and the importance of censent to transform is vital to Neronian culture.
Deeply rooted in their history, Neronians have crafted a culture that melds the traditions of Nataris with the adaptive norms of their new home, Naodica. Their society emphasizes harmony, passion, and individual expression. The architecture, though reminiscent of coastal designs, is a unique blend of function and individuality. Music, dance, and art hold paramount importance, often recounting tales of their ancestral world, the transition to the world of Naodica, and their place in this new reality.
Names carry significant weight in Neronian culture. Upon their transformation, individuals seem to inherently know their Neronian name, a deep-seated realization rather than a choice. These names, further divided into prefixes and stems, reflect their societal roles and individual attributes. Names can also change as they grow and develop, as they find their place in society. These changes to their name are known by other Neronioan instinctually through their shared connection to the mindweb.
In the broader world of Naodica, the Neronian maintain a vigilant stance, especially against threats like the human-centric Empire of Zanaro. Their islands serve as a refuge for many, especially non-humans and those fleeing persecution or seeking transformation. Neronian in gernal, especially those recently transformed, tend to rmeain in their floating island homes. Nevertheless there is a need for Neronian to explore beyond their home to improve the species relationships with others as well as to learn more about their new reality.

Basic Information


Ther Neronian are a sight to behold with their blue-skinned, three-eyed visage and a slender and slight frame, and long pointed ears. Their skin tone can range from the lightest azure to the deepest navy, while their hair flows in shades of black, white, blue, purple, and occasionally pink. Each Neronian possesses three vibrant eyes, the colors of which span the entire spectrum. A defining feature of a Neronian is their ethereal wings, which bear a mesmerizing resemblance to the night sky. These wings aren't just for show, they serve specific ceremonial and functional purposes, and allow for the species to fly and hover in the air.  

Biological Traits

One of the most distinguishing features of the Neronian biology is their ethereal wings. These wings are vital for their existance as they allow them to fly and are often utilized in rituals. Neronian are known for having a robust immune system, making them resistant to many diseases that affect other species. Their third eye, while a conduit for their telepathic abilities, also offers them an enhanced perception of their environment. This heightened awareness aids them in understanding the world around them on a deeper, more intricate level and allows them to see in low lioght conditions better than humans and several other species in Naodica.

Genetics and Reproduction

Neronian do not reproduce in the conventional sense. Instead, their growth stems from a unique process of conversion. Individuals from other intelligent species undergo a transformative ritual, involving a sharing of DNA, that painfully metamorphoses them into a Neronian over a span of about a week. The new Neronian emerges with a slightly altered memory of their past, experiencing it more as a dream than direct experience.  One of the most profound aspects of this transformation is the alignment of the individual's physical form with their true gender identity. Transgender individuals, for instance, find themselves in bodies that reflect their internal gender post-transition. Similarly, non-binary individuals would find a form that aligns with their self-perception. Those who were comfortable in their gender will find it fits a more idealized form of self while still aligning with Neronian physiology.

Growth Rate & Stages

Once transformed into a Neronian, the individual enters a period of rapid acclimation where they adjust to their new abilities and physical form, during this time they quickly learn the Neronian language, cultural norms, and most feel a sense of freedom and harmony. This period, often lasting a few months, is followed by a phase of stability that endures for nearly two centuries. Throughout their 200-year lifespan, Neronian don't exhibit signs of aging as humans and other Naodican species do. Instead, they maintain a youthful vigor until the end of their lives. The conclusion of a Neronian's life is serene, marked by a gradual dissipation of their life energies.
Day 1: The Inception A special concoction of manacite, Neronian blood, and several herbs from the Islands of So'Karsa is produced and provided by another Neronian. Upon ingesting this potent concoction, the individual immediately feels an overwhelming warmth coursing through their veins. The Manacite-infused blood reacts violently with the individual's system, starting at the cellular level. The Etherial Synaptic Network (ESN) begins to form, and every nerve ending in the body becomes hyper-sensitive. Pain, at this stage, is not just physical but also emotional, as memories of their past life begin to blur and reshape.
Day 2: Cellular Metamorphosis The Manacite Regenerative Gland (MRG) starts forming near the heart. As it matures rapidly, it releases specialized cells that expedite the transformation process. The individual's skin starts exhibiting hints of the characteristic Neronian blue hue, bady hair and fur will begin to shed from the body. Muscles ache incessantly as they elongate, bones creak and reform, and the process of developing the ethereal wings starts, with nascent Manacite nodes appearing on the back. Bones will also begin to reshape and shift to align with Neronian physiology.
Day 3: Sensory Overdrive The formation of the Aura Perception Organ (APO) and Telepathic Wave Modulator (TWM) leads to a sensory explosion. The world seems both vivid and disorienting. The third eye starts to emerge, initially as a soft luminescent spot on the forehead. The individual's existing eyes gain the ability to see broader light spectrums, and their ears fine-tune to detect diverse tonal variations. Bones will continue to reshape during this phase, nearing their final form.
Day 4: Emotional Turmoil As the Ethea Node forms, the individual undergoes an emotional roller-coaster. They mourn the fading memories of their past life and grapple with the joys, sorrows, and profundities of potential Neronian experiences. The Ethea Node connects this nascent Neronian to the wider Mindweb, suffusing them with emotions and knowledge from past Neronian.
Day 5: Harmonic Resonance The Harmonic Vocal Chords (HVC) mature, and the individual starts producing harmonic sounds involuntarily, resonating with the energies of So'Karsa. Their voice, now capable of multiple tonal outputs, becomes an instrument of magic and emotion. This also their voice with their gender identity.
Day 6: Gender Realignment In what is perhaps the most profound phase of the transformation, the individual's body aligns with their true gender identity. For transgender individuals, this is the day their external form begins to match their internal truth. Cis individuals see their bodies undergo refinements, becoming more in tune with their personal ideal form, culminating in a body that reflects the soul's true essence.
Day 7: The Rebirth On the final day, the transformation completes. The ethereal wings, now fully formed, shimmer with the majesty of the night sky. The third eye opens, granting them enhanced perceptions and telepathic abilities. Their memories of their past life solidify into dreamlike sequences, providing a surreal backdrop to their new existence.
As the newly transformed Neronian emerges, they are often greeted by members of the Telari House, who guide them in integrating into their new society, helping them navigate the intricacies of their enhanced senses, emotions, and magical abilities. The pain and challenges of the transformation, while daunting, serve as a testament to their resilience and commitment to embracing the Neronian way of life.

Ecology and Habitats

The Neronian species originated on the world Neteras which was destroyed in a cataclysm known as the Great Shadow. Their initial habitat consisted of floating islands, an abundance of naturally occurring Manacite crystals, trees that propagated through spores that floated on the winds, various flying species, and other intelligent species that utilized airship technology. Within this initial reality, the Neronian were originally viewed as a parasitic species as they converted others into their own species, eventually though the Neronian became the dominant species, and becoming a Neronian was seen as a good thing if you were selected.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Neronian typically exhibit a pescatarian diet. The bountiful seas surrounding the So'Karsa archipelago offer an array of marine life that satiates their nutritional requirements. Additionally, they indulge in dairy products and eggs, but always with an emphasis on the humane treatment of animals. Dairy farms and fisheries are managed sustainably, ensuring that the creatures involved are cared for and respected. While they consume for sustenance, there's a ritualistic reverence to their meals, turning even the simplest of feasts into a celebration of life. In their home reality there were skyfish that they often fished and hunted for suystenence. Without this food source in Naodica they have taken to descending from their floating islands to fgish the seas beneath them.

Biological Cycle

The biological cycle of the Neronian is one that is quite different from that of the other eresidents od Naodica. Their home reality had no night or day, instead seemingly always in a state of twilight. As such they do not need sleep but instead enter a meditative state for a period of several hours and often twice during a typical Naodican day.


Being a species of heightened telepathic capabilities, Neronian are deeply empathetic and communal. They have an inherent understanding of collective welfare and are predisposed to altruistic acts. However, they also value individuality, self-expression, and personal growth, understanding that the diversity of experiences enriches their shared mindweb. Neronian approach challenges with a blend of analytical thought and intuitive reasoning. They typically possess a serene demeanor, which is a byproduct of their frequent meditative practices. Moreover, they have a profound respect for nature, often engaging in rituals that honor the cosmos and the natural world.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Beyond the standard five senses, Neronians possess heightened telepathic abilities. Their third eye, centrally located on the forehead, acts as a conduit for this. They can communicate silently, share memories, emotions, and even access a communal mindweb. This vast reservoir of collective knowledge contains the experiences and wisdom of all Neronians, living or deceased. Accessing more than the 'surface' of this sharewd reservoir opf knowledge requires meditation and discipline as it is easy to get caught up in the eddies and streams of thoughts and emotions.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Names hold profound significance in Neronian culture. Each Neronian's name consists of a prefix and stem. The prefix signifies one's role, societal contribution, or personal journey, and can evolve over time, while the stem remains an immutable core of one's identity. This system allows Neronians to convey a wealth of information about themselves merely through their names. In Neronian culture, names are not mere labels but deep reflections of one’s essence, life path, and societal role. Names guide individuals on their journeys, serve as reminders of their purpose, and connect them with the collective legacy of the Neronians. Given that a Neronian's name is intrinsically realized upon transformation, names are believed to hold powerful insights into one's nature and destiny. Moreover, names are non-gendered, emphasizing the society's progressive stance on gender fluidity and the importance of individual essence over predefined roles.
A': Leaders of a House.
Bri': Engineers or craftsmen, those who mold and shape the material world around them.
Cai': Designates scholars or intellectuals. Those dedicated to the 'mind web' and contributors to its knowledge.
Di': Agriculturists or those deeply connected with the cultivation of the land and the bounty it provides.
Ji': Traders and merchants, ones who weave the intricate webs of commerce and exchanges.
Li': Explorers of the inner realm, those who delve into emotions, feelings, and the essence of the self.
Myr': Nurturers and caregivers, often associated with those who look after the young or the old, ensuring the welfare of their kin and society at large.
Ne': Healers or caregivers.
Ra': Warriors or defenders of the Neronian society.
Se': Specialists in telepathic communication or those who maintain the 'mind web'.
Syr': Diplomats and relationship builders.
Ta': Entertainers who weave tales, sing songs, and create resonating art, as well as sex workers, and actors.
U': Historians who chronicle the Neronians' past.
Ver': Spiritual advisors of a house, guiding others in their telepathic meditations.
Zxi': Adventurous explorers.

Name Stems:

avm: "Weaver of Stories"
en: "Seeker of Truth"
fira: "Dance of the Elements"
kae: "Guardian of Memories"
kan: "Chronicler of Ages"
karu: "Guided by Hope"
kuro: "Spiritual Anchor"
lori: "Whisper of Dreams"
nix: "Victorious One"
pesa: "Seeker of Balance"
ran: "Healer's Touch"
rat: "Boundless Horizon"
rev: "Echo of Thoughts"
sat: "Bridging Bonds"
trel: "Heart's Resonance"
ve: "Harmony Bringer"
voli: "Bearer of Light"
xan: "Guardian of Secrets"
zre: "Guiding Star"

House Names:

Aretan: Mineral Mastery & Sustainable Manacite Extraction- House Aretan is the guardian of So'Karsa's treasured resource, Manacite. Recognizing the immense value and finite nature of the mineral, they've honed sustainable extraction techniques that ensure Manacite's longevity for future generations. Through a delicate blend of traditional knowledge and innovative practices, they ensure the balance of extraction and regeneration. Beyond Manacite, they are also responsible for the extraction and management of other valuable minerals in So'Karsa. Their commitment extends to the land, ensuring the preservation of ecosystems even as they mine. The expertise of House Aretan ensures that the prosperity Manacite brings doesn't compromise the future of So'Karsa.
Caelux: Health and Wellness- Comprising healers, herbalists, and those who leverage Manacite in the medical realm. They might also be involved in creating preventive health measures, dietary guidelines, and mental well-being initiatives.
Eni: Agriculture & Sustenance- The lush terrains cultivated by House Eni feed the populace of So'Karsa. These agriculturists, farmers, and ranchers work tirelessly to ensure that the floating islands remain verdant and bountiful, providing sustenance for all.
Erom: Maritime Mastery- The waters surrounding the floating islands are the domain of House Erom. Expert sailors and naval strategists ensure that trade routes remain open, threats from the seas are repelled, and the maritime borders of So'Karsa remain impenetrable.
Etom: Mastery of the Skies- With the power of Manacite at their fingertips, House Etom rules the skies. They command the impressive fleet of Manacite-powered airships, ensuring rapid transit, trade, and air defense for the Imperium.
Gravos: Sanitation & Cleanup- Ensuring the cleanliness and upkeep of So'Karsan territories. This includes waste management, cleanup crews, and individuals who maintain public areas. They handle everything from Manacite waste to natural decay. Their tasks, while crucial, might not be as recognized or honored as some other professions, but their role ensures that the cities and landscapes of So'Karsa remain pristine.
Harexi: Entertainment and Arts- Incorporating musicians, dancers, visual artists, theater performers, and other entertainment specialists. This House would also cover sex workers, who are esteemed and respected for their artistry, intimacy, and emotional expertise.
Infi: Nature's Protectors- The green heart of So'Karsa beats within House Infi. Rangers, druids, hunters, and nature stewards ensure that the balance between civilization and nature remains undisturbed. They protect wildlife, maintain natural habitats, and guide others in understanding and respecting the land.
Kazen: Spirituality & Devotion- House Kazen represents the spiritual backbone of So'Karsa. Priests, priestesses, and other spiritual guides from this House are revered for their ability to connect with the ethereal realm, provide guidance on moral quandaries, and serve as conduits between the populace and the divine. They maintain places of worship and are often sought after for blessings, rites, and ceremonies.
Lunis: Espionage and Intelligence- Comprising spies, informants, and intelligence analysts. Their role is not just military or political but also economic, ensuring that the So'Karsan trade interests are protected. Additionally, due to their covert nature, they might work closely with Harexi, using entertainment avenues as a cover.
Minqat: Diplomacy & External Relations- Every successful civilization needs skilled diplomats and negotiators, and House Minqat fulfills this role impeccably. They represent So'Karsan interests abroad, negotiate treaties, and play a pivotal role in ensuring that the nation's relationships with outsiders remain harmonious and beneficial.
Nar: History & Mental Exploration- The annals of the past and the intricate weave of memories are guarded by House Nar. Historians, lorekeepers, and experts of the 'mind web' ensure that the collective knowledge and history of So'Karsa remain preserved and accessible.
Nerovex: Former Imperial House, now extinct- Once the ruling Imperial family, House Nerovex no longer holds power or influence due to its selfless destruction for the survival of the Neronian race. However, they are revered as symbols of sacrifice, leadership, and the undying spirit of So'Karsa. Monuments, memorials, and ceremonies often honor their memory, ensuring that the legacy of Nerovex remains etched in the heart of every So'Karsan.
Ombri: Trade and Commerce- Merchants, traders, and economists fall under this House. As So'Karsa is a central hub for Manacite trade, this House has a significant role in the economy and diplomatic relations, working closely with House Minqat.
Suvi: Ground Forces & Defense- The stalwart warriors and soldiers of House Suvi form the primary defense line of the Imperium. Trained rigorously, they ensure that threats to So'Karsa are neutralized efficiently. Fortifications, barracks, and military strategies are developed and maintained by this house.
Telari: Education, Integration, and Conversion- Tasked with curating the 'Integration Curriculum' for newly transformed Neronians and maintaining general educational standards, including the establishment and management of learning centers. Beyond traditional education, House Telari plays a pivotal role in the conversion of other races into Neronians. They oversee and facilitate the sacred transformative process, ensuring that those who undergo the transition are seamlessly integrated into Neronian society, and guiding them to the right House based on their core essence.
Tenqe: Mysticism & Magical Expertise- The arcane scholars of House Tenqe are unparalleled in their knowledge of magic. They study, refine, and teach the arts of magic, ensuring that the power of Manacite is harnessed responsibly. Magic academies, libraries, and research institutions often fall under their purview.
Umbrex: Infrastructure and Urban Development- Urban planners, architects, and builders dedicated to creating infrastructures that blend So'Karsan aesthetics with functionality. They work to ensure that cities and towns across the islands are sustainable, beautiful, and harmonious with the environment.
Vestra: Craftsmen and Artisans- From blacksmiths and jewelers to textile artists and carpenters, this House represents those who create and innovate in the world of tangible products. They might also be responsible for refining Manacite for various non-magical uses.
Zxuri: Time & Celestial Events- The scholars and experts of House Zxuri maintain a close watch on the heavens. Responsible for calendrical systems, they ensure that the flow of time is accurately tracked. Their astronomers chart the stars, astrologers divine the future, and their time-keepers synchronize the daily routines of So'Karsa.

Beauty Ideals

In a society where transition and transformation are revered, the Neronians have a fluid concept of beauty. Ethereal wings, vibrant eye colors, and a luminous blue skin hue are universally admired. Yet, more than physical attributes, it's one's harmony with their inner self that defines true beauty. Authenticity and self-acceptance are considered the pinnacle of attractiveness.

Gender Ideals

The Neronians recognize a spectrum of genders: Male, Female, Neuter, Bi-gender, and beyond. The fluidity of their society's gender norms ensures that every individual feels seen, respected, and validated. Each gender is equally esteemed, and Neronians celebrate the diversity that these identities bring to their community.

Courtship Ideals

Neronian courtships are intricate dances of the mind and soul. Telepathic communication plays a pivotal role in romantic pursuits, allowing potential partners to share emotions, thoughts, and dreams directly. Physical tokens of affection, like crafted jewelry imbued with personal energy or woven cloths infused with one's aura, are traditional courtship gifts.

Relationship Ideals

Relationships in Neronian society are built on pillars of mutual respect, deep understanding, and shared purpose. They value emotional and telepathic intimacy, considering it the bedrock of a successful union. Pluralistic relationships are not uncommon and are seen as an extension of the Neronian ethos of love and acceptance.

Common Etiquette Rules

Neronian etiquette revolves around respect for individuality and mindful interaction. Direct telepathic communication is reserved for close acquaintances and family or during ceremonies, while more formal interactions utilize vocal communication. When sharing memories or emotions through the mindweb, it's customary to seek permission first. Appreciation for nature and sustainable practices is integral to their etiquette, manifesting in everything from dining customs to building practices.

Common Dress Code

In Neronian society, where the appreciation of one's physique after transition is celebrated, clothing often serves as more of an adornment than a necessity. Garments are light, flowy, and typically made from natural materials which drape the body in a way that accentuates their ethereal wings and blue skin. Richly embroidered patterns, often depicting personal or familial symbols, are common. Robes are often used in more formal settings, and armor is designed to be lightweight and protective.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Neronians possess a deep-rooted reverence for their history and the sacrifices made by their ancestors. Their culture is a harmonious blend of old-world traditions from Nataris and the evolving norms of Naodica. Architecturural designs utilize large and small domes, white concretes, blue stones, golden accents, round windows, and asymmetrical patterns. This architechtural style plays a significant role in preserving their heritage.  Many such homes and buildings have building access not just on the first floor but often a higher balcony for flight. Each structure, uniquely tailored to its purpose or the individual's needs, stands as a testament to the Neronian's creative spirit.
Music and dance are integral to Neronian cultural expression, often used as mediums to convey tales of their ancestral world, Nataris, and the great exodus. Music often utizes drums, string instuments, and bells. These are often used in conjunction wiuth various dances to express history, spirituality, personal stories, and much more.
Artifacts, preserved from their home world, are displayed with great pride and often hold places of honor in Neronian households. These treasures are seen as vital, especialyl as the Neronian from Nataris are slowly dying out asnd being reeplaced by the Naodica born Neronian.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

The Rite of Transition: This ceremony marks the transformation of an individual to a Neronian. It's both a deeply personal and communal event, with the community gathering to support and celebrate the new Neronian.
Skyward Dance: Held during the equinox, this event sees Neronians dance in the skies above their islands, their ethereal wings shimmering in the sun, representing the balance of day and night. It reminds the Neronian of their lost homeland that was in eternal twilight.
Manacite Festival: An annual event celebrating the unique crystal that powers their civilization. It involves showcasing innovations, crafts, and art pieces made using Manacite.

Common Taboos

Forced Reading: Accessing someone’s thoughts without permission is seen as a grave violation of privacy.
Wastage of Manacite: Given the crystal’s importance, wastage or misuse is frowned upon.
Disrespecting the Past: Due to their migration and the sacrifices made by their ancestors, disrespecting or trivializing their history is considered offensive.


The history of the Neronians is a tapestry woven with tales of resilience, transition, and cosmic evolution. Originating from the world of Nataris, a realm characterized by floating islands and endless skies. The Neronian embarked on a great exodus to escape their home's impending doom. This journey was fueled by the ultimate sacrifice of the Nerovex, the Neronian Imperial Family, who channeled their life essence to move the entirety of the So'Karsan archipelago to Naodica. The monumental act ensured the continuity of the Neronian species in a new world and bestowed upon the Nerovex a revered legacy. Their arrival in Naodica was not one that was initially celebrated but one met with confusion and fear. The Neronian for their part were in a state of chaos as those whop had saved them were lost fortever, even their memories and knowlewedge wiped from the Mindweb. It took nearly a decade before the Neronian species began its first forays into the wider world of Naodica. This initial exploarion was treated as a hostile act by sevferal nations, including the Empire of Zanaro. Others, like the City-state of Pariten, welcomed the new arrivals and helped foster trade and intercultural dialogue. Since then the Neronian species has entered a state of equilibrium with most of Naodica. The need to continue the species thoiugh, and their unique method of reproduction continues to be a point of contention for most nations. Nevertheless many individuals seek refuge and shelter among the Neronian and many choose to become a Neronian after seeing their homeland.

Common Myths and Legends

The Last Sacrifice of Nerovex: A tale of the final moments of Nataris and the heroic act of the Imperial Family. It speaks of their foresight, courage, and the ultimate sacrifice they made to ensure the survival of their people.
Whispers of Nataris: Legends speak of places on the islands where, if one listens intently during twilight, they can hear echoes from Nataris – ancient songs, laughter, and sometimes, cries of the world they left behind.


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