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Character Creation

Only Official SWFFG content is allowed. No exceptions. You may reskin an existing species with Admin approval.   Use the standard Character Generation rules. You may not raise any Characteristics above 4 during Character Creation, or start with more than 2 ranks in any one skill.   Edge of the Empire and Age of Rebellion careers/specs only, unless you have unlocked Force-Sensitivity (you’ll know if you have).   Characters start with a base Obligation value of 10, and may add up to an additional 10 by following the rules listed on p. 40 of the EOTE CRB. No Duty or Morality.   Your character knows a number of extra languages equal to their starting Intellect. For example, a Twi’lek with INT 3 would begin with Basic, Ryl, and three extra languages of their choosing.   Characters start with 4500 Starting Credits, unless more is gained via raising Obligation. Get Admin approval before purchasing any Restricted items. No unique items like Lando’s capes, Leia’s outfits, etc.   After you’ve spent your starting XP, award yourself an additional amount of experience as per the current server total in #announcements. As per the normal progression rules, you may spend this XP on skills, talents or specializations, but not Characteristics.   You may purchase attachments during Character Creation, but you may not mod them until your character arrives on Nar Kaaga.   Create your character at If you built your character in Oggdude’s Character Generator, be aware that RPGSessions has a handy import tool! Please track your XP spending and credit spending in the notes section. This makes it easier for Staff to approve your character.   If you wish to belong to a faction, decide which (Imperial or Rebel) and make a note of it in your Notes section.   If you wish to participate in NSFW/eRP activities on the server, please note it in the ‘Notable Features’ field of your character sheet. Also, we ask that you fill out a kinklist and post it along with your application!   If you wish to begin with the PVP role, make a note of it in your Notes section. If you select the PVP role, you are waiving your right to consent to player vs. player combat. If you wish to change your PVP status, contact an Admin.   You must have a background, motivation, and obligation before submitting a character for approval.   SUBMITTING YOUR CHARACTER FOR APPROVAL When you have completed your character sheet, post it in #submit-a-character and tag an admin for approval.   Once your character is approved, you will receive a private channel for you to: ⦁ Post a link to your RPGsessions character ⦁ Post any relevant info about your character: important NPCs they meet, their goals, etc ⦁ Record any rewards you receive, such as XP, reputation, credits, items, NPCs, or other assets. If staff cannot verify how you received something your character possesses, they may rule it doesn’t exist!   Note: We offer a grace period of one week after a PC has been approved for players to make mechanical adjustments to their PC (with Admin approval). After this period, your Character Creation choices are considered to be final. Note that if you ask to make an adjustment, your PC will need to be re-Approved by an Admin. Once you have begun playing your character All purchases, XP expenditures, etc are considered to be final.   Make sure you record ALL XP gains AND expenditures in your character’s Notes channel. If the Admins decide to audit your PC and there’s a discrepancy between what’s in your Notes and what’s on your sheet, we’re going to assume the XP listed in your Notes channel is how much you have!   Once your character is approved, please post them in #pc-biographies using the pinned template, along with a reference pic.   BEGIN PLAYING You may begin playing by RPing your arrival in one of New Ventura’s many docking bays and tagging a member of Staff. Staff will let you know when you can begin RPing in whichever other channels you wish (so long as they are not restricted areas, such as Borvo’s Palace or the Imperial Shipyards).   RPGSESSIONS INTEGRATION To play on Nar Kaaga Nights, you’ll need to integrate your character sheet through RPGsessions. To do so:   1. Login or make an account on   2. In the top right, click the Profile tab, and follow the instructions under Linked Accounts to link your Discord.   3. In top right, click the “Games” tab, and you should see SW: Nar Kaaga Nights. Select the Settings option.   4. Assign your character sheet in the Character section, enable ‘Allow GM Control’, then click Save Changes.   5. Now go to the #character-tracker channel and type “.c v” to test that it works.   6. Full documentation on the bots’ commands are available on their respective websites or by using !help for D1-C3 and .c for RPGSessions bot.

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