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Server House Rules

1. Users must be of the Legal Age of Consent to participate in Nar Kaaga Nights.   2. Please adhere to the Golden Rule: If you don’t want someone doing it to you, don’t do it to them. Respect your fellow players. We are all here to have fun!   3. Out of character racism, sexism, or anything of the sort will not be tolerated.   4. Out of character communication that is abusive, harassing, deliberately provocative or intending to upset others, even in casual conversation, will not be tolerated.   5. Please refrain from discussing controversial/polarizing topics like politics, religion, crime, etc.   6. Please be civil; if someone does offend you, let them know (in a respectful and mature manner) and try to give them the benefit of the doubt that they did not mean to offend/upset you. We believe most disagreements or offenses can be resolved in a calm manner, but if the offending behavior persists, notify a member of staff.   7. Try to avoid prolonged arguments, especially in public spaces. Take it to DMs if possible, or notify a Staff member if necessary.   8. Please respect server staff and their decisions. If you are asked by a staff member to do something, please don’t argue. They are here to make the game as fun as possible for everyone. If you have any questions, please ask in #help-desk or contact a member of staff!   9. A PBP game means slow moments at times, so please be patient with others!   10. Please refrain from communicating in languages other than English—It makes the server much easier for staff to moderate!   11. Character optimization is fine, but try to refrain from heavy power gaming or ‘munchkin’ builds. Whenever possible, we prefer to directly address these issues instead of punishing everyone by changing the rules. If staff believes a PC is disruptive to the health of the server, we will first try to work with the player to address the issue. If this does not work, we may adjust the rules or ask the player to leave the server.   12. GMs reserve the right to say no to anything that does not make narrative or thematic sense. Staff deserves the right to discipline any user deemed to be disobeying the rules (or spirit of the rules), up to and including permanent bans.   13. Relax and have fun. That’s an order!  


  You are free to use whatever formatting you wish when describing your PC’s actions or thoughts, but please use “quotation marks” whenever your PC is actually speaking.   Use the Reply function or tag whomever you are interacting with, unless they have specifically asked not to be tagged.   Use >> << on either end of an electronic communication (such as a comm call), and use [ ] on either end when speaking in a different language.   Since this server is entirely text-based, you are expected to be able to spell and use grammar reasonably well. Do not use abbreviations or “text talk” IC.   Please limit the amount of OOC used during roleplay channels (take extended discussions to an ooc channel). If you do say something OOC within a roleplay channel, use (( )) or some other kind of double brackets around the comment.   You cannot force or prevent other players from actions without their consent (no “I block the door to prevent them from leaving”, for example), unless both of you have the PVP role.   This also applies to Social checks between players— if there is a disagreement in RP, it should be handled narratively, unless all parties involved agree to resolve it through an Opposed or Competitive Skill Check.  


  Nar Kaaga Nights is a campaign about the seedy underbelly of Star Wars society. Slavery is legal in Hutt Space (and many of the surrounding sectors). Darker themes like trafficking, drug use, and petty violence may be a common occurrence. Please be aware that dubcon and consensual nonconsenual (CNC) play may occur, but NEVER without ALL participating players’ consent.   Directly participating in NSFW content is strictly opt-in. This means that users are NEVER required to engage in NSFW activities during the course of the game. However, if you are uncomfortable with explicit themes and content, this may not be the campaign for you.   If you wish to participate in NSFW activities on the server, please note it in the ‘Notable Features’ field of your character sheet and ping an Admin to assign you the NSFW role.   More extreme kinks should be kept to private channels ONLY. If you are unsure whether your kink is extreme or not, please ask a member of staff. Gore, necrophilia, animal cruelty, anything implying or depicting underage participants, or other inappropriately gruesome and/or hideous subjects are strictly prohibited.   Consent is awesome, and is required for NSFW interactions between characters. Make sure anyone you’re RPing with has the NSFW role before engaging in these kinds of interactions with them. Always check OOC to make sure the other player is cool with what you’re about to do with (or to) their PC. If a line gets crossed, back up and retcon it to something that makes everyone happy.  
  • Use :yellowcard: to warn another user you’re uncomfortable with something that’s being done (or about to be done) to your character.
  • Use :redcard: if one of your hard limits has been crossed. This should immediately halt any ongoing RP and give players time to discuss the situation ooc.
  • In either case, discuss the matter afterwards OOC in a civil manner.


  A Note on PVP At its heart, SWFFG is a game about collaborative storytelling. Thus, even players engaged in PVP should endeavor to make confrontations interesting and enjoyable to all parties involved. Quick Drawing a repeating blaster and downing your opponent in a single action via Auto-Fire is not nearly as engaging as leaping for cover behind a crate and exchanging blaster fire over multiple turns as both sides attempt to flank each other.   In addition, while PC death may occur as a result of PVP, leaving foes alive often has better narrative and mechanical benefits. For example, most bounties offer more for a live capture than a corpse, and both the Empire and the Rebellion value prisoners for the potential intelligence they possess over enemy casualties. Defeating an opponent without killing them not only creates opportunities for interesting situations such as interrogations, forced servitude, and prison breaks, but also allows players to continue playing the characters they have invested in, which can open the door for revenge arcs, long-term rivalries, or mutual respect for showing one's foes mercy.   Players should only utilize PVP in a controlled and realistic manner that serves the campaign’s narrative. Normal people do not walk into cantinas and just start shooting their blasters at anyone they don’t like, and such behavior is likely to have severe IC consequences for a PC. Griefing, ganking, and other forms of harassment will not be tolerated. If your PC’s actions are deemed to be disruptive to the health of the campaign, you may be restricted from the PVP role or banned from the server.   In short, remember the Golden Rule: If you don't want someone doing it to you, don't do it to them.  


  Generally speaking, PVP always requires the consent of all parties involved. In Nar Kaaga Nights, we offer players the chance to waive their right to this consent using a PVP role.   Players with the PVP role are free to attack each other whenever they wish (with Admin approval). This allows criminal PCs to engage in gang wars with one another or experience the thrill of being hunted by PC bounty hunters, for example, or for members of opposing factions to directly oppose each other should a tense standoff escalate.   Because PCs with the PVP role accept the additional risk of being attacked at any time, they receive additional rewards from adventures, as well as increased Reputation gains and rewards. Regardless of a player’s role, all PVP MUST be approved and overseen by an Admin.   PVP does NOT include access to a player’s property (no pickpocketing others or killing them for their swoop bike). You may not ‘loot’ items or credits off an incapacitated/dead PC.  

Gaining or Removing the PVP Role

  If you wish to change your PVP status, contact an Admin. If you engage in PVP actions, you may not change your status until a full week has passed. If you choose to change your PVP status, you will not be able to change it again for a set period of time (typically seven days).  


  • Whenever a check results in no symbols of any kind, you may flip a Destiny Point in order to re-roll it.
  • Maximum of 7 Y or G dice per check.  
  • Unless otherwise stated, there is a maximum of 6 boost dice per check.
  • Dedication cannot increase a Characteristic above 5.
  • All personal scale hits against non-vehicular targets do a minimum of 1 damage, regardless of Soak.
  • Auto-Fire’s activation cost increases by one for each activation (First activation costs 2adv, second costs 3adv, third costs 4adv, etc).
  • For the purposes of Natural Rest, “a full night’s rest” occurs once every real-life day, and “a full week of rest” is a full week during which the PC does not participate in any strenuous activities (like combat).


  • Training Weights are not allowed.
  • Armor Inserts have a cost of 1350cr, and may only be applied to armor with a Soak of 0 and a Defense of 0. This has no effect on the armor’s stats and features, but the inserts may be modded as normal. An Average (PP) Perception check detects that the person’s clothing is plated.
  • The Seascape Diving Suit adds 3 setback to checks made outside of water.
  • You may not lend another PC a piece of gear if you have already mechanically benefited from it that day. For example, if you use a toolkit to craft something, you must wait until the next day to lend it to another PC.


  Once per round, once per encounter, and once per day abilities may only be used once per real-life day except during adventures, where they obey normal timing restrictions. Each new day begins at 3AM EST. Once per session abilities and effects may only be used once per real-life week. Each weekly session begins at Monday 3AM EST. Accrued Strain clears during the weekly reset, but Wounds and Critical Injuries remain.  


  At the start of every weekly session (Monday), an Obligation check will be made for each PC. This involves rolling 1d00 for each PC and comparing each result to that PC’s Obligation value. If the roll is equal to or less than the PC’s Obligation value, their Obligation is considered to have been triggered, reducing their Strain Threshold by 2 for the remainder of the week. If the roll is doubles (an “11” or “22” for example), the effects also double (reducing their Strain Threshold by 4 instead of 2), and the Obligation is likely to have a major story impact during the week (including during any adventures).   In addition to the Strain Threshold reduction, when a PC’s Obligation is triggered it will likely introduce complications or even encounters related to that Obligation during the course of the week. If a DTA is started that week, the adventure must be related to the Obligation and may not be a faction mission (in other words, that DTA may only award XP & credits, not rep).   Players may pay 2000cr at any time to reduce their Obligation (Debt) by 1.  


  We offer a grace period of one week after a PC has been approved for players to make mechanical adjustments to their PC (with Admin approval). After this period, your Character Creation choices are considered to be final. Note that if you ask to make an Adjustment, your PC will need to be re-Approved by an Admin.   Make sure you record ALL XP gains AND expenditures in your character’s Notes channel. If the Admins decide to audit your PC and there’s a discrepancy between what’s in your Notes and what’s on your sheet, we’re going to assume the XP listed in your Notes channel is how much you have!   All purchases, XP expenditures, etc are considered to be final.   If you change your mind about how you spent your XP, we offer players the ability to respec. If you choose to respec, you may change your career & specializations, as well as re-spend all of your species and earned XP as you wish. If the desired changes would drastically alter your PC, you may be required to invest time RPing the reason for the change (for example, a Diplomat that wishes to respec into Soldier would need to RP working out, weapons training, etc), or even complete an appropriate DTA. You may not change your species, gear, credits, or any other aspects of your character. Respeccing requires admin approval and may only be done once every six months.   If your PC dies or you choose to retire them, you may generate a new character using the server’s Character Creation rules, with an amount of earned XP equal to your previous PC’s earned XP. If a PC dies or retires, their credits and belongings may not be looted by or given to other players. What becomes of their possessions is narratively handwaved (typically passed on to next of kin, sold to cover their debts/obligations, or confiscated by their faction).  


  If a PC has not posted IC for 7 days, they will be considered inactive. Inactive PCs are not charged for Cost of Living expenses and do not Earn Currency. Players with the Inactive role should contact staff before they resume playing. Extended inactivity may result in removal from the server.  


  Canonically, what few Force-Sensitives existed during this era spent much of their time in hiding. In order to keep Force-Sensitives rare and mysterious, players are normally not allowed to create Force-Sensitive characters during Character Creation. In order to purchase a Force-Sensitive specialization (or create a character that is Force-Sensitive), players must first ‘unlock’ their Force-Sensitivity (or FS).   We believe Force-Sensitivity should be a major accomplishment. Therefore, we have devised a simple method for determining when a player unlocks their Force-Sensitivity. The exact method will be deliberately kept a secret, but here’s a few details:
  • The method is the same for every player—although it does take into account certain variables, it is an objective checklist, not a subjective one.
  • Your knowledge of the mechanical system has no effect on your ability to unlock your Force-Sensitivity.
  • No player is excluded at any time, so you cannot make a ‘wrong’ choice that keeps you from unlocking your Force-Sensitivity.
  Players that successfully unlock their Force-Sensitivity will be notified between 1-7 days after the Admins confirm that all requirements have been met. From that point forward, the player will be allowed to purchase any Force-Sensitive specializations or powers that they wish using the RAW rules. If a player unlocks their Force-Sensitivity and their existing PC dies or retires, any new PC they make will have full access to any of the Force-Sensitive careers, specs and powers from Character Creation onward.   Note that being Force-Sensitive during this era is an incredibly dangerous position. To represent this inherent danger, all FS characters begin with the PVP role and cannot remove it voluntarily. This does not mean that PCs and NPCs automatically know you are Force-Sensitive— they would need to somehow identify you as such narratively to have any reason to treat you differently from another individual. However, open-carrying a lightsaber or prominent use of Force Powers in public is ill-advised.  


  • Each PC begins each week with 40 hours of downtime (DT).
  • DT can be used for a variety of activities, such as Weekly Earning, adventuring, crafting, recovering from injuries, or even learning new languages. All DT activities must be approved by an Staff (In other words, tag Staff when you wish to spend DT) and recorded in your PC’s sheets channel.
  • A character’s remaining DT resets at 3AM EST every Monday. Unused DT does not “roll over”, unless a crafting project requires more than the remaining amount of DT the crafter possesses (see “Crafting Rules” for more information).
  • At any time, you may spend 2 DT hours to remove an amount of Strain equal to 25% of your Strain Threshold (rounded up),
  • Making a Medicine check consumes a number of DT hours equal to the difficulty of the check, except in the case of installing cybernetics, which always takes six hours of the surgeon’s DT.
  • Learning a new language requires 80 DT hours and a Daunting (♦️♦️♦️♦️) Education check. If you fail this check, you may attempt it again next week, at no additional DT cost.
  • If you would like to use your DT for an activity not listed in the rules, please contact an Admin.


  Nar Kaaga Nights features two kinds of adventures: Group Adventures and Downtime Adventures.   Group Adventures (GA) feature multiple PCs, like a typical adventuring party. PCs cooperate to complete their objectives and each earn rewards upon completion of the adventure. To join a GTA, follow the instructions given by the adventure’s GM in the #signups channel. You may participate in up to two GAs at once. GAs require 2x as much DT as a DTA of their tier would.   Downtime Adventures (DTA) are personalized adventures designed specifically for your PC. In rare cases they may include one or two other PCs, but only the PC that started the DTA may earn a reward from it. You may only participate in one DTA at a time. Note: Downtime Adventures are scaled to the individual character's strengths and weaknesses and reflect a difficulty in relation to their personal capabilities rather than a general standard. To begin a DTA, go to #dta-ticketmaster and follow the instructions. There are three Tiers of DTAs to choose from, each requiring a different amount of DT hours. The higher the tier, the more involved the DT will be (and thus the longer the length to complete).
  • Tier 1: Requires 4 DT hours. Average Difficulty, low risk of failure. Rewards 5xp (plus 500cr OR equivalent item/resources OR 10 Faction Reputation).
  • Tier 2: Requires 12 DT hours. Hard to Daunting Difficulty, moderate risk of failure. Rewards 10xp (plus 1500cr OR equivalent item/resources OR 15 Faction Reputation).
  • Tier 3: Requires 20 DT hours. Daunting to Formidable difficulty, high risk of failure. Rewards 15xp (plus 2500cr OR equivalent item/resources OR 20 Faction Reputation).
  You must successfully complete a Tier 1 DTA before you can attempt a Tier 2 DTA, and you must complete Tier 2 DTA before you can attempt a Tier 3 DTA.


  Once a DTA has begun, your PC must wait a certain period of real-life days before they will be able to initiate another DTA (regardless of the next DTA’s desired tier). This is known as a DTA cooldown period. The current DTA’s tier determines the length of this cooldown period:
  • Tier 1: 2 weeks (14 days)
  • Tier 2: 3 weeks (21 days)
  • Tier 3: 4 weeks (28 days)
  Ex: Han Solo begins a T1 DTA. It takes 12 real-life days to complete. Han Solo must wait 2 more days before he can open a ticket for a new DTA. If it had been a T2 DTA, he would instead need to wait 9 more days.  


  Failure an adventure is always a possibility, and the likelihood increases the higher the DTA’s tier. Failing an adventure automatically earns a player the T1 equivalent in XP (and faction rep, if the DTA was a faction mission). A failed DTA never awards credits. A failed T2 or T3 DTA may include additional penalties, including wounds, critical injures, damaged or lost gear, RP setbacks, obligation gains or even character death. If you fail a Tier 2 DTA, you must successfully complete a Tier 1 DTA before you can attempt another Tier 2 DTA. If you fail a Tier 3 DTA, you must successfully complete a Tier 1 AND a Tier 2 DTA before you can attempt another Tier 3 DTA.   Adventures occur during a “time bubble”, meaning they are considered to occur at an indeterminate time. This means they occur entirely within the adventure’s specific channel, and have no narrative or mechanical effect on other channels until the adventure completes and the bubble ‘pops’. In other words, feel free to RP in other locations even while you’re off on an adventure!   Be sure to purchase any and all equipment you need BEFORE an adventure begins, because once an adventure starts, you will not be able to use any equipment purchased outside of that adventure (you can’t buy stimpacks in a market channel then have your currently-time-bubbled character use them inside their GA or DTA).   Do not add any credits or gear gained during a GA or DTA to your RPGSessions sheet. Your GM will announce any permanent rewards in #rewards upon completion of the adventure.   At the conclusion of an adventure (DTA or GA), any accrued Wounds, Strain and Critical Injuries are transferred over to your RPGsessions sheet.   In almost all cases, Adventures use normal time structure rules (once per round, once per encounter, once per day). The exception is Once Per Session effects, which still can only be used once per RL week.


  If a GA takes longer than 2 weeks, the adventure’s rewards will automatically be increased every 2 weeks to a maximum of 2 increases.   If a DTA takes longer to complete than the cooldown period for its tier, you may spend an amount of DT hours equal to its original cost to increase its rewards. You may do this once for each additional 2 weeks that the DTA continues beyond its cooldown period.   Ex: A player spends 12 hours to begin a Tier 2 DTA. The DT takes longer than three weeks to complete. The player decides to spend another 12 hours during the fourth week, in order to receive increased rewards.


  At the GM’s discretion, you may flip a Destiny Point to ask another PC to make a guest appearance in your DTA. The GM and any participating PCs should work together to come up with an appropriate reason for the guest’s involvement. The GM has final say on whether a DTA can include guest PCs.   Because a DTA is tailored to YOUR PC’s strengths, weaknesses, and goals, the challenges within are intended to be YOURS to overcome, not anyone else’s. Therefore, a Guest PCs’ involvement in another character’s DTA should be limited to brief cameos or passive participation. If a Guest PC is required to roll dice, it should only be 1-3 checks at most, none of which should be critical or key to the adventure’s completion.   Seeking out a PC to treat your injuries via a Medicine check, provide you with useful information using a Knowledge Skill, or use their Computers skill to slice a security system so you can access a restricted area more easily are examples of acceptable cameos. Asking a combat-oriented PC to clear out a hab-unit full of gangers for you because you aren’t good at fighting, or a Face to do the talking for you because you aren’t good at social encounters is NOT.


  Each week, PCs may devote a portion of their total DT to earning a living in miscellaneous ways. The amount of credits gained through weekly earning is determined by the amount of DT hours dedicated to the task.
  • If you spend 20 DT hours earning, you receive 500cr.
  • If you spend 40 DT hours earning, you receive 1250cr.
  In order to receive your weekly earnings, narrate how you are earning money in the #weekly-earnings channel, including how many DT hours you are spending on the task and how many credits you will earn, then tag a GM or Staff Member.   Ex: Elan Sleazebaggano spends his free time attempting to sell death sticks in the cantinas and watering holes of New Ventura (40 hours, 1000 credits)      Weekly Earnings are received once per week, on Sundays. Inactive players do not receive Weekly Earnings. If you do not believe you will be available to perform your Weekly Earnings on Sunday (or you missed your chance), please contact a member of Staff.


  Each week, characters must spend a certain amount of credits maintaining their lifestyle. This covers not only the cost of living quarters but also utilities and other bills, as well as food, drink, transportation fees, bribes, and any other miscellaneous expenses your character may run into during their day-to-day life. In Nar Kaaga Nights, we summarize this as a simple concept known as Cost of Living, or CoL. Each Sunday, you determine the lifestyle you wish your character to live for the next week and pay the appropriate Cost of Living. Your character will then live that lifestyle for the next seven days, until the start of the next session.


  • Luxurious Cost: 5000cr/week A life of extravagant comfort. Excellent lodgings, the finest food, and servants willing to meet your every need. Effect: Upgrade and add 2 boost to the first three checks you make each day. 
  • Wealthy Cost: 2500cr/week Respectable lodgings, typically with one or more servants. Effect: Add 2 boosts to the first three checks you make each day. 
  • Comfortable Cost: 1000cr/week You can afford a nice place to live and even better clothing. Effect: Add 1 boost to the first three checks you make each day. 
  • Modest Cost: 500cr/week You’re in no danger of going hungry any time soon, and enjoy modest but clean living conditions. Effect: Add 1 boost to the first check you make each day. Note: Businesses and vehicles equipped with crew quarters automatically provide a PC with Modest living.
  • Poor Cost: 250cr/week You live in unpleasant but sufficient conditions, often surrounded by crime. Effect: None. Squalid Cost: 0cr/week You are barely scraping by, living in the most inhumane of conditions. You may still be lucky enough to have shelter from the elements, but it will often be found in dangerous or violent environments. Effect: Add 1 Setback to all checks for the week. 
  The Cost of Living system is simplistic by design. It is intended to remove the tedium of continually tracking credits for mundane or everyday expenses, such as drinks at a cantina, your character’s ordinarily outfits, cab fare or a tram ticket, etc. However, Cost of Living never covers items or goods that have a specific price listed. These must always be paid for using the credits your PC currently possesses. If you fail to declare and pay for your Cost of Living by 3AM EST Monday, you are assumed to have chosen a Squalid Cost of Living for the week.    Inactive PCs are assumed to have chosen a Squalid Cost of Living. If you don’t think you’ll be available to declare your Cost of Living during the weekend (or you were unable to declare over the weekend due to unforeseen circumstances), please contact a member of Staff.


  Every Sunday, a vehicle’s owner must pay an Upkeep cost of .5% of its base price. This is assumed to cover the cost of docking fees, fuel, routine maintenance, crew cost, consumables, etc. If a vehicle’s owner fails to pay upkeep, that vehicle becomes inoperational until the Upkeep has been paid. 


  Because Nar Kaaga is an Outer Rim world, the rarity of all items is increased by +2. Nar Kaaga also lies on a primary trade lane, decreasing the rarity of all items by 1. This means all items purchased on Nar Kaaga have a rarity modifier of +1. To search for an item, post what you are searching for in the appropriate channel (typically a market or shop), as well as the base cost and rarity, then tag a member of staff. The difficulty of the check is determined using the RAW rarity table. Searching for a legal item takes a minimum of 1 DT. The number of successes you score on this check determines how many of the item you find for sale (for example, 3 successes = 3 stimpacks found for sale). 


  Searching for a Restricted item is a Streetwise check that takes a minimum of 2 DT. When searching for and/or negotiating for Restricted items, upgrade the difficulty once if the rarity is 4 or less, or twice if the rarity is 5 or more. To represent the scarcity of items on the black market, only one item can be found per Streetwise check. If a Despair is generated as a result of a roll, a GM may decide something unlucky has happened during your efforts (caught in an undercover sting, the spice deal has gone wrong, etc).


  Once you’ve successfully located the item, you may attempt to negotiate. If so, roll a 1d10 to determine the difficulty of the Negotiation check: 1 = PP 2 = RP 3 = RR 4 = PPP 5 = RPP 6 = RRP 7 = PPPP 8 = RPPP 9 = PPPPP 10 = RPPPP Results: Each Success reduces the price by 5%. Each Advantage reduces the price by 1%. Each Triumph provides a beneficial effect determined by GM (the default is 10% price reduction) Each Failure increases the price by 5%. Each Threat increases the price by 1%. Each Despair provides a negative effect determined by the GM (the default is 10% price increase) The maximum discount you can earn on any given item is 20% off the base price (before applying talents like Master Merchant or Wheel & Deal). You may only attempt to negotiate once per search, and you must accept the results.


  To sell an item, make a Negotiate check based off the adjusted rarity of the item to locate a buyer (use Streetwise for Restricted items). Once you’ve successfully located a buyer, you may attempt to negotiate. If so, roll a 1d10 to determine the difficulty of the Negotiation check (or Streetwise if its a Restricted item):   1 = PP  2 = RP  3 = RR  4 = PPP  5 = RPP  6 = RRP  7 = PPPP  8 = RPPP  9 = PPPPP  10 = RPPPP    If you fail, you only receive 10% of the value of the item. If you succeed, you sell the item for one quarter of its base price If you score 2 successes, you sell the item for one-half of its base price. If you score 3 or more successes, you sell the item for three-quarters of its base price. Apply talents like Wheel & Deal or Master Merchant AFTER this step. You must accept the results of the Negotiation check. 


  To open a business, players must undertake a DTA and either pay 50,000cr or take on 35 Obligation. If you take on Obligation, you may not buy another business or vehicle until the Obligation has been entirely removed. Players may pay 2000cr to reduce their Obligation (Debt) by 1.   When you open a business, choose a focus:
  • Entertainment - Cantina, restaurant, nightclub, gambling den, etc
  • Retail - Sell a single type of gear (Melee weapons, Ranged Weapons, Droids, etc)
  • Service - Modding or repair shop, medical clinic, gym, etc.
If you are interested in a business focus not listed here, contact an Admin. You may change the focus of your business by undertaking a DTA or GA.   Every business includes:
  • Main floor for customers
  • Back room for storage
  • Either an upstairs or downstairs for living quarters
  • Basic equipment to operate business
  • One NPC employee to help operate the business
A business generates 200cr/week, but can be upgraded to generate more credits (see below). Note: If a business has outstanding Obligation (Debt), reduce weekly income gained from the business by 20%.


  Increased Focus Cost: 2500cr
  • Size/scope of business increases
  • May be purchased up to 5 times, each time increasing the business’ weekly income by 200cr
  Improved Security Cost: 10,000cr Select One:
  • Business gains electronic locks that can only be sliced with a Daunting (PPPP) Computers check.
  • Business gains a security droid (Admin will provide stats)
  • Business gains security cameras that can be accessed from a central security room.
  • This upgrade may be purchased up to three times, selecting a different option each time.
  Special Orders Cost: 5000cr
  • When searching for an item related to the business focus, reduce rarity by 1.
  Specialized License Cost: 2500cr
  • Able to sell Restricted items or otherwise conduct activity that could be viewed as illegal.


  Players may purchase a vehicle at any time using the normal Market Rules. For those lacking the necessary funds, however, there are two more options: Vehicle Flaws and Obligation.


  Vehicles can be found second-hand at a substantial discount from their market price. Once a vehicle has been located (typically using the normal Market Rules), a GM may reduce the cost of the ship by at least 10% in order to introduce a random Flaw to the vehicle. This may be done up to a maximum price reduction of 50%. Of course, it can be difficult to determine what is wrong with a vehicle prior to purchase. In order to identify these flaws before a prospective purchase, a PC may attempt an Average (♦️♦️) Mechanics check or a Hard (♦️♦️♦️) Perception check. On a successful check, one of the vehicle’s Flaws is revealed, plus one additional Flaw per Triumph. Advantages may be spent to increase the discount by an additional 1% (up to a maximum of 50%).   If the characters choose not to buy a vehicle after examining it, they may always search for another of the same type (which may have the same, or a different discount). Increase the rarity of this check once for each same model previously rejected during that week, to represent increasingly scarce options the longer the search continues. Once a vehicle has been bought, all remaining Flaws are then revealed to its erstwhile new owners.


    How to remove or mitigate a Flaw is detailed in its description. For flaws requiring a Mechanics check, the process days 24 hours per point of Silhouette. On a successful check, the flaw is permanently removed. On a failed check, half of the parts are wasted and the character must start again. Advantage on a failed check can be spent to reduce the time required for the next attempt by 24 hours, to a minimum of 24 hours.


  In order to acquire a vehicle through Obligation, the PC must undertake a DTA, during which they will take on 35 Obligation (Debt). This will grant them a vehicle up to a value of 50,000cr. PCs may supplement this max value by putting forth their own credits—for example, if a PC spends 20,000cr and accepts 35 Obligation (Debt), they may acquire a vehicle up to 70,000cr. If you take on Obligation in this way, you may not buy another vehicle or business until the Obligation has been entirely removed. Players may pay 2000cr at any time to reduce their Obligation (Debt) by 1.   Every Sunday, a vehicle’s owner must pay an Upkeep cost of .5% of its base price. This is assumed to cover the cost of docking fees, fuel, routine maintenance, crew cost, consumables, etc. If a vehicle’s owner fails to pay upkeep, that vehicle becomes inoperational until the Upkeep has been paid.   Remember that vehicles equipped with crew quarters provide their users with a Moderate Cost of Living at no extra charge.


  Crafting options are divided into Focuses.   Each Character may choose one of the following types of Crafting as their Focus:
  • Brawl/Melee Weapons
  • Ranged Weapons
  • Armor
  To learn a second focus, a character must spend 80 total DT hours and pass a Formidable (PPPPP) Education check. If failed you may try again next week (no DT required for re-attempts). To learn a third focus, a character must spend 120 total DT hours and pass a Formidable (PPPPP) Education check. If failed you may try again next week (no DT required for re-attempts).   Brawl/Melee Weapons
  • Anyone can craft items up to Average difficulty
  • Only characters with this focus can craft items above Average difficulty
  Ranged Weapons
  • Anyone can craft items up to Average difficulty
  • Only characters with this focus can craft items above Average difficulty
  • Anyone can craft items up to Average difficulty
  • Only characters with this focus can craft items above Average difficulty
Gadgets and Tools
  • Anyone may craft these items
  • Anyone can craft droids up to Average difficulty
  • Only characters with the Droid Tech or Droid Specialist trees may craft droids above Average difficulty
  • Only characters with the Cyber Tech tree can craft Cybernetics
  • In-Built weapons cannot have attachments or modifications.
  • Anyone can craft components up to Average difficulty
  • Anyone can attempt the Step 4: Assembly step up to Average difficulty
  • Only characters with the Shipwright tree can craft components above Average difficulty
  • Only characters with the Shipwright tree can attempt the Step 4: Assembly step above Average difficulty
  Lightsaber Hilts
  • Only characters with at least 1 rank in the Lightsaber skill AND a Force Rating of 1 or more can craft Lightsaber hilts
  • Only characters with at least 1 rank in the Lore skill AND a Force Rating of 1 or more can craft Lightsaber hilts.


  The first mod on an attachment always costs 100cr, takes 1 DT hour, and has a difficulty of PPP. For each additional mod attempted on the attachment, increase the cost by 100, the DT cost by 1, and the difficulty by +P. So the first mod on an attachment costs 100cr, 1DT hour, and has a difficulty of PPP. The second would cost 200cr, 2DT hours, and a difficulty of PPPP. The third would cost 300cr, 3DT hours, and a difficulty of PPPPP, and so forth.


  • A Crafting check may never have a Difficulty lower than Easy (P).
  • A PC may only benefit from Lessons Learned and Schematic once per template.
  • Practice Makes Perfect and Lessons Learned may only be used for consecutive checks of the same template.
  • The cost of materials and parts cannot be reduced below 50% by any means.
  • The hours required to craft an item cannot be reduced to lower than half of the original amount by any means (talents, equipment, etc).
  • Abilities that say they last until the end of an encounter (such as Stim Application) last for one crafting project.
  • The maximum rank a quality (Accurate, Defensive, Pierce, etc) can reach during the crafting process is 4 (unless a lower rank is specified in the crafting table).
  • The Duplicate option is restricted to one use per check (You cannot create more than two items with a single check).
  • You must succeed on the check in order to select the Schematic option.
  • The “Spending Results on Engineering-Focused Checks” chart from Fully Operational may not be used when crafting or modding items.
  • Multiple gear bonuses of the same type do not stack (for example, you cannot benefit from Safety Features twice by using two separate tools)
  • NPCs (including droids) cannot craft on their own.
  • Minions may not assist on crafting checks. Nemesis and Rival NPCs may provide Skilled or Unskilled Assistance, but this makes the project take twice as much DT.


    PCs can interact with the Galactic Civil War by joining one of two factions: Imperial or Rebel. PCs can earn Reputation, or rep, with their faction, improving their standing and reaping the benefits (and sometimes drawbacks) that come from greater recognition.   Note: While joining a faction isn’t necessarily permanent, changing one’s faction is an involved process requiring Downtime Adventures and the removal of any negative Obligation with the new faction, so players are advised to make their choice wisely.   PCs earn Reputation by completing faction-aligned DTAs (known as “faction missions”), securing substantial resources for their faction, or defeating PCs and Nemeses of the opposing faction. Note that faction missions never award credits; only XP and Reputation.   Once a PC accrues a certain amount of Reputation, they can spend it to increase their Rank within their faction, earning a reward or resource, as well as increasing their weekly stipend.   Improving your Reputation with your selected faction often has an adverse effect on your standing with the opposing faction, usually represented by Obligation. For example, if a Rebel PC takes out a squad of Stormtroopers, they would gain Rebel reputation, but might also gain Obligation (Criminal). Likewise, an Imperial PC that participates in a raid on a Rebel safehouse would gain Imperial rep, but might also gain Obligation (Bounty).   In this way, your Faction Rank not only helps you interact with members of your faction, but also makes interacting with members of the opposing faction more difficult. Become hated enough and you may even find yourself being actively hunted...


  PCs that belong to a faction and possess the PVP role are considered Overt. Overt PCs can attack and be attacked by other Overt players at any time (with Admin approval). Overt PCs receive full Reputation from their actions.   PCs that belong to a faction but DO NOT possess the PVP role are considered Covert. Covert PCs may not attack or be attacked by other players unless all parties consent and an Admin approves of the activity. This includes healing, assisting or otherwise supporting players currently engaged in PVP activity. Covert PCs only receive half the normal Reputation from their actions.


Rank # Rank Rep Required Weekly Stipend Rank Reward
1 Private 10 100cr Equipment
2 Lance Corporal 20 200cr Talent A
3 Corporal 30 300cr NPC Assistance A
4 Staff Corporal 40 500cr Equipment
5 Sergeant 50 700cr Vehicle Assistance
6 Staff Sergeant 60 900cr Equipment
7 Master Sergeant 70 1,200cr Talent B
8 Warrant Officer II 80 1,500cr NPC Assistance B
9 Warrant Officer I 90 1,800cr Vehicle
10 Second Lieutenant 100 2,200cr Specialization
11 First Lieutenant 110 2,600cr Talent C
12 Captain 120 3,000cr Vehicle
13 Major 130 3,500cr NPC Assistance C
14 Lt. Colonel 140 4,000cr Vehicle Assistance
15 Colonel 150 4,500cr Talent D
      Note: The amount needed to purchase a new Imperial faction rank is increased by 20% for non-humans due to the Empire’s policy on aliens.


  Whenever you purchase a new Rank, your faction will supply you with a reward of your choice. The available rewards are defined as follows:   Equipment: Choose one piece of equipment (weapon, armor, or gear) to receive for free (with Admin approval). The acquired item may not have a rarity greater than 3 plus your current Faction Rank, and may not cost more than 1000cr x your current Faction Rank.   NPC Assistance A: A squad of Minions accompanies you on a future adventure of your choosing. You must be Overt to use this reward, and the GM is the final arbitrator on whether it can be used during an Adventure.   NPC Assistance B: Either a Rival or a squad of Minions accompanies you on a future adventure of your choosing. You must be Overt to use this reward, and the GM is the final arbitrator on whether it can be used during an Adventure.   NPC Assistance C: Either a Nemesis, Rival, or a squad of Minions accompanies you on a future adventure of your choosing. You must be Overt to use this reward, and the GM is the final arbitrator on whether it can be used during an Adventure.   Specialization: Gain a free Specialization of your choice. You may only select a Force-Sensitive Specialization if you are already Force-Sensitive.   Talent A: Gain one of the following talents: Black Market Contacts, Convincing Demeanor, Grit, Hidden Storage, Kill with Kindness, Know Somebody, Plausible Deniability, Resolve, Second Wind, Smooth Talker.   Talent B: Gain one of the following talents: Confidence, Convincing Demeanor, Distracting Behavior, Gearhead, Grit, Hidden Storage, Intimidating, Inventor, Iron Body, Kill with Kindness, Nobody’s Fool, Physical Training, Plausible Deniability, Resolve, Second Wind, Smooth Talker, Street Smarts, Toughened, Well Rounded.   Talent C: Gain one of the following talents: Congenial, Coordinated Assault, Eye for Detail, Fearsome, Field Commander, Grit, Hard-Boiled, Intimidating, Sound Investments, Toughened, Wheel and Deal.   Talent D: Gain each of the following talents: Command, Confidence, Dedication, Fearsome, Sound Investments, Toughened.   Vehicle Assistance: You gain a vehicle to use on a future adventure of your choosing. This vehicle cannot have a rarity greater than half your current Faction Rank (rounded up). The price and size of vehicle you may requisition is up to the GM. You must be Overt to use this reward, and the GM is the final arbitrator on whether it can be used during an Adventure.   Vehicle: You receive a vehicle from your faction for free. This vehicle cannot have a rarity greater than half your current Faction Rank (rounded up). The price and size of vehicle your faction is willing to part with is subject to Admin approval.

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