Aasimar Species in Nascentia | World Anvil
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The by product of celestials mingling with mortals. These are a rare sight to be seen in Leirion but, given their celestial heritage, they are generally accepted and considered in good standing with the ruling class. Their very birth is considered a miracle and destined for greatness to make their divine parentage proud. The manifestation of divinity can skip generations and does not need to be the direct products of intermingling similar to Tieflings which share a commonality of ancestry.

Basic Information


Similar to that of their non-celestial parentage, but certain celestial influences modify their appearance. Some examples of traits that have manifested on Aasimar include, burning eyes full of celestial energy, wings, a divine crown or marking of radiant energy on bodies, most commonly on the forehead.

Genetics and Reproduction

Aasimar are born when a celestial's influence on a bloodline manifests. This could either be from one of their parents being a celestial or a celestial being a part of the bloodline farther down the family tree.

Growth Rate & Stages

Aasimar age and develop at a similar rate to their non-celestial parentage until adulthood where they stay more youthful for much longer.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Aasimar often are far more sensitive to demonic energies and aura. This in an untrained form could just give them heightened anxiety or tension around those of demonic influence. With guidance, this can be used to locate the origin of demonic influence over short distances.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Male Names

Female Names

Family Names

Major Organizations

Aasimar are often very welcome in any religious organizations due to the belief that they are a good omen.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

This is where we talk about how their society as well as other societies see them.


History goes here.

Common Myths and Legends

Some myth about a great aasimar goes here
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Double the non-celestial parentage
Average Height
The same as the non-celestial parentage
Average Weight
The same as the non-celestial parentage


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