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Nascentia is a land of light and hope. A once great empire that stretched over the landscape but fell to infighting and decay, out of it the arose new kingdoms and fiefdoms; and carved out their lands. In the Glade live the forest elves along with other forest folk known as seelie, nymphs, dryads, satyrs etc. Nearby is the dark swampland where the undead and supernatural haunt, the far edge of a fallen Human kingdom that fell to the darkness they unleashed to save themselves. A dark corruption slowly spreading its tendrils into the land, continuing their dark legacy and almost seeming to be chasing the refugees that fled afar and those who once preyed on them. The Orcs have set up camp on the edge of the swamp having been driven out of what had once been their land by the darkness that threatens to engulf them. Nearby can be found the walled Port of (Baymouth/Wolfwater), overflowing with refugees with seedier elements while still serving as the primary port to the High Elven Kingdom of (Anor'rí). It is from this harbor that boats to other lands can be found.  

Notable Locations

  • The Glade
  • The Fallen Kingdom
  • Anor'ri?
  • Port of Baymouth/Wolfwater

Notable Races

  • Aasimar - The result of celestial blood mingling with a mortal race, often humans. (see main article)


  • Solaras - Light
    Domains: Light, War High Elf City
  • Darkness
    Domains: Moon, Death Wood Elf Glade
  • NAME - Fire
    Domains: War, Forge Blacksmith Guild
  • NAME - Earth
    Domains: Nature, Arcana Druids Guild
  • Sirocco - Wind
    Domains: Tempest, Nature Sailor’s Guild
  • Lightning
    Domains: Trickery, Tempest Thieves Guild
  • Water
    Domains: Arcana, Knowledge Mages Guild
  • Ice
    Domains: Knowledge, Trickery Scholars Guild
  • Spirit
    Domains: Life, Light (all)

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