
The Duskwidows are Arachnitha that live in Niz'wola, an Arachnithan burrow-home located in the deep, dark recesses underneath the Mistclad Cordillera. Generations of living in almost completely lightless conditions has made them excellent ambush predators, and they use these skills to great effect as assassins and spies for the greater Arachnitha collective.
  By the same virtue, the Duskwidows are rather reclusive and some might even consider them anti-social, though that is not entirely true. They merely lack the social graces that the other species and even their Arachnithan kin possess via actually maintaining social relations. Their social hierarchy is much looser than what is observed in the other burrow-homes, with only their queen, Shy'Tzix, being considered superior to any other Duskwidow.
  The venom of the Duskwidows is a potent neurotoxin that, depending on dosage, induces a paralysis so strong that it could be compared to rigor mortis.
To this day, Niz'Wola remains the only Arachnithan burrow-home we do not send diplomats to.
  Not because it would be dangerous for the ambassadors, no. But because we humans need light to see, and the Duskwidows do not want any of it.
–Damian Dorsett of House Dorsett

Cover image: by AI-generated


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