
For the Pale Men, there is no moment in their lives more important than when they gaze towards the heavens and spy the White Raven, for this is the beginning of a personal pilgrimage of growth through hardship. The beginning of a Journey.


Once the White Raven has shown itself to an individual, that individual must stop what they are doing and embark upon their Journey immediately. Preparations are considered useless, as the voyage itself is thought to provide whatever the individual needs so long as they stay the path and follow the raven.
  Men and women have abandoned work in the fields, left children in the care of the nearest possible candidate and even neglected sleep to pursue the avian god towards their destiny, becoming Wanderers.

Fortitude of the Body & Mind

The first leg of a Journey is invariably a grueling hike through the arid Mourning Plateau during which the Wanderer must scale sheer cliff faces, brave brambled thorns, endure hunger and thirst and fend off wild beasts for three days and nights. During this time, visions of temptations tailored to the individual haunt their every step, demanding that they face and accept what it is they truly desire.
  These visions, often of loved ones or respected elders, urge the Wanderer to give up, to return home where they might rest. It is imperative that these visions are ignored, as to succumb to their temptation is to fail the Journey and be left in the vastness of the plateau without supplies or sense of direction.

Rite of Reflection

After three days and nights, the White Raven leads the Wanderer to a hidden oasis, a place of respite amidst the desolation. Here, they are granted a brief reprieve to tend to their physical wounds and replenish their strength.
  This interlude is also a time for reflection, during which the Wanderer meditates on the visions they faced and the lessons they carried. It is said that in this moment of calm, the White Raven speaks directly to the Wanderer, imparting wisdom that will aid them in the trials to come.

Valley of Echoes

The Journey continues towards the Valley of Echoes, a canyon carved into the arid soil of the plateau. The descent into the valley is treacherous, demanding not only physical prowess but also mental resilience. The valley is named for the peculiar phenomenon that occurs as one climbs; every sound made is echoed back, distorted and amplified, creating an almost maddening cacophony.
  This auditory barrage tests the Wanderer's focus and determination, as they must navigate the perilous path while ignoring the distracting clamor that even the falling of a single stone creates.
  To date, the Valley of Echoes has not been verified to actually exist in the plateau, hinting at an otherworldly origin or perhaps of it being a shared mirage of some sort.


At the very bottom of the Valley of Echoes, the Wanderer finds a cave in which stands a solitary stone altar, where they must offer a part of themselves, both physically and spiritually. This act symbolizes the shedding of their former self, a sacrifice necessary for the erudition of the White Raven. Most Wanderers choose to relinquish a lock of hair and a cherished memory. Upon placing their token on the altar and swearing off their offering of spirit, the Wanderer experiences a moment of profound revelation.
  The White Raven appears one final time, its eyes reflecting a vision of the future path of the Wanderer and the Pale Men as a people as it perches on the altar. Once this revelation has been seen and accepted, the Wanderer is to pluck one of the brilliantly white feathers of the raven and exit the cave.


Despite having journeyed for days, once the Wanderer exits the cave, they find themselves emerging within viewing distance of their home. The return of a Wanderer to their community is a time of celebration, as they are considered to be the bearers of knowledge beyond the ken of mortal men. The returning Wanderer offers the feather of the White Raven to the elders of the tribe, who accept the offering and add it to the ritual headdresses worn by the elders during tribal proceedings.
  It is not uncommon for Wanderers that succeed in their Journey to be made into Pale Shamans, the spiritual leaders of their communities.
Father, the White Raven flies overhead.
  I must go.
–A son to his father, abandoning his post as night guard
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by Midjourney
The Mourning Plateau is home to many a beast that makes one's Journey challenging to say the least.

by Midjourney
Descent into the Valley of Echoes

Cover image: by Midjourney


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