
Not a specific species but a moniker for varying aquatic beasts, the Leviathans that lurk the depths of the Arcansea are colossal creatures that prey on anything smaller than themselves, including vessels sailing the waves of the vast ocean.


Leviathans have most likely evolved from earlier forms of aquatic life, their huge size an adaptation for some unknown condition, perhaps so that they can survive in the crushing depths of the Arcansea.
  Another proposed origin for the massive beasts is that they are runoff from the Black Forest, Hatelings that have slithered into the sea from the largely unguarded western shore of that accursed place. This theory is considered a bit shaky, however, as the leviathans show clear adaptation to aquatic environments, which would be at odds with a creature that was born on land. Supporters of the theory point out that Hatelings are unnatural creatures capable of assuming multifarious forms and as such would be also able to adapt to an underwater habitat.


As leviathans are not a particular species, their shapes vary greatly. It could be argued that the only real feature they all have in common is their gigantic size. Leviathans range anywhere from a hundred to four hundred feet in length, and most are larger than ships of the line in diameter.
  Serpentine features are prevalent and fins instead of other kinds of limbs seem to be a preferred adaptation. Scales that no harpoon can pierce or rubbery skin so thick that all projectiles bounce off of it covers the bodies of these colossi.
  Leviathans are omnivorous and will devour anything that they can get their jaws around, which includes pretty much everything at their size.

Myths and legends

As is often the case with seafarers, stories start to circulate about particularly vicious sea beasts, and these stories take on a life of their own. It is not unusual for leviathans to become the topics of these tall tales and one such tale is the oft repeated accounts of the attacks of Dreadmaw, an extremely ornery leviathan that sailors claim will follow ships for weeks on end and will destroy vessels just to leave the wreckage to sink, not even devouring the ship or its crew.
  Of course, the veracity of these accounts is often brought to question as surviving, or even being witness to, such an encounter is highly unlikely, so any claims of having seen and survived Dreadmaw are taken with a sizable grain of salt, as is the very existence of Dreadmaw itself.
You can feel it.
  A subtle jostling of the vessel as something massive glides past underneath it and pushes the water aside.
  There is a moment of utter silence as you and your mates wonder whether or not it noticed the ship, everyone silently praying it didn't.
–A grizzled seafarer talking to children at the docks of Wapemond Harbor
60-100 years
Average Height
65 ft / 20m
Average Weight
200-450 tons
Average Length
650 - 1300 ft / 200-400m
Geographic Distribution
by Dall-E 3
The depths are ruled by the leviathans, the uncontested apex predators of the Arcansea

Cover image: by Dall-E 3


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