
The Mistclad Cordillera are home to plentiful natural resources, they just have to be found. It is the job of the mountaineers to comb the mountain range for these resources.

Job Description

Mountaineers are tasked with the mapping of the Mistclad Cordillera, as well as marking locations with resources such as Tyndarite or Ignisite.
  This is accomplished through the use of color-coded flags, the color of which corresponds to the size and/or density of the deposit. A red flag denotes a high density deposit, an orange flag a moderate density one and a green flag a low density deposit.


Mountaineers carry with them a lot of equipment, most of which relates to surviving the punishing conditions of the snow-capped peaks of the cordillera. These include several lengths of rope, an ice axe or two, a tent and its components, sleeping bag, rations for several days, pebbles of Ignisite for purposes of getting a fire going and a weapon of some kind, just to name some of them.
  Should a mountaineer become stranded in the cordillera, they can make their way to one of several cabins constructed in the mountains that are there for the express purpose of providing shelter to those who find themselves wounded or otherwise unable to continue on their own. Mountaineers have a habit of checking these cabins each time they pass by, in case someone needing help is holed up in one.


Most mountaineers work for the city-state of Telothia, receiving their wages directly from the military junta that rules the fortress-city. However, there are also freelance mountaineers that work for the highest bidder, which are in great demand among the S'aue, who seek to capitalize upon the resource-rich mountain range.
  Some are also employed by the Enlightened Few, for purposes of mapping the mountains and observing the Resonant rather than plundering its natural bounty.
It was the biggest vein I've ever seen. Like a wound in the side of the mountain.
–A mountaineer telling her colleague about a past discovery
by Midjourney
A mountaineer making his way through the cordillera

Cover image: by Midjourney


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