Null Ring

Null Rings are small jewelry fashioned from Deadwood worn as protection against both the Nightmare of the Adversary as well as the broader Tapestrum Arcanum, rendering the wearer virtually impervious to magical energies because the fell material the ring is made of simply deadens the Tapestry in the immediate vicinity of the wearer.

Construction and Material

Deadwood is a material that is banned in the vast majority of Nascindor, so Null Rings are exceedingly rare. The usual suspects with one are criminals of note, such as the higher-ups of the Midnight Exchange, or Mageslayers on the hunt. A chance encounter with either of these is wont to end in bloodshed, so the layman ever seeing a Null Ring and living to tell his or her friends about it is close to non-existent.
  The construction of the ring is a straightforward process in which a chunk of Deadwood is first shaped into a rough circular form. This is typically done using mundane tools, as the anti-magical properties of Deadwood make arcane crafting methods useless.
  Once the basic shape is achieved, the ring undergoes a series of meticulous refinements, often involving hand-carving intricate patterns or symbols that are believed to suppress the insidious energies the cursed wood has sucked into itself during the years it's spent in the Black Forest.

Properties and Limitations

Null Rings, while powerful, are not without their limitations. The ring's ability to deaden magic extends only to a small radius around the wearer, typically no more than a few feet. This means that while the wearer is protected from direct magical attacks and surveillance, they can still be affected by indirect magical phenomena outside the ring's sphere of influence.
  Furthermore, prolonged use of a Null Ring can have detrimental effects on the wearer. The constant suppression of energy can lead to lethargy, headaches, and in severe cases, a gradual weakening of the moral character and mental faculties of the wearer.
  Those who wear a Null Ring do so knowing they carry both a blessing and a curse.
When I slip it on, it feels like I am... alone, in a manner of speaking.
  No, alone is too mild a term. When it is on my finger, I feel separated from... from life itself.
  I don't want to wear it anymore.
–A veteran mageslayer to her protégé
Item type
Jewelry / Valuable
A Null Ring worn. Note the dry and damaged skin of the hand wearing the ring, an indicator of its insidious corruption seeping into the wearer.


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Jul 8, 2024 00:24 by jyliet of the house

Very powerful! What a neat little detail that null rings have to be crafted using manual methods. Makes sense!

Aug 1, 2024 06:37 by George Sanders

Great detrimental effect, a slow insidious corruption.

Read about the great items submitted for the Summer Camp Prompt I sponsored "A personal item that keeps you safe".
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