Telothian Legion

The Telothian Legion is, as its name suggests, the combined military might of Telothia.
It consists of thousands of soldiers, cavalry detachments and siege weapons, and acts as the main fighting force of humanity when one is needed. The sole exception to this is operations in the Black Forest which are relegated to the Seekers. This is because the specialized equipment and amount of training needed to survive in the Black Forest is so momentous that training and equipping an entire legion in such a way is not feasible.
  Telothia is justly proud of their forces, and the other city-states often call for their aid whenever the need arises, a fact that the Telothian military leadership eagerly takes advantage of to bolster their coffers. This income is invariably funneled into training more soldiers and forging more weapons, as is the way of Telothia.

Force Organization Breakdown

High Command

  Commander (1)
  Background: The Commander of the Telothian Legion is a seasoned veteran, chosen for their unparalleled strategic mind and deep understanding of both warfare and diplomacy. They hold the ultimate responsibility for the Legion’s actions and are a revered figure within Telothia.
  Advisory Staff (10-20)
  Background: This elite group of advisors consists of master strategists, experienced tacticians, intelligence experts, and seasoned logisticians. They provide the Commander with vital information and counsel to ensure the Legion operates at peak efficiency.

Main Combat Units

Regiments (10)
  Background: Each regiment is a formidable force, composed of highly trained warriors who are the backbone of the Legion. These regiments are known for their discipline, bravery, and exceptional combat skills. Commanded by a Regiment Captain.
  Regiment Structure:
  Companies (9 per Regiment)
  Background: Companies are the primary combat formations within each regiment. They operate with a high degree of autonomy and are capable of carrying out diverse missions from direct assaults to defensive maneuvers. Commanded by a Company Lieutenant.
  Company Structure:
  Squads (10 per Company)
  Background: Squads are the smallest combat units, fostering strong camaraderie and unit cohesion. Each squad is a tight-knit group of warriors who rely on their comrades in arms and trust implicitly in their commanding officer. Commanded by a Squad Leader.

Command and Control

  Signal Corps (100)
  Background: The Signal Corps maintains communications across the Legion, ensuring that orders are relayed quickly and accurately. They use a variety of methods, including signal flags, messengers, and magical means to maintain coordination. Commanded by a Signal Officer.
  Signal Units (10)
  Background: Each unit specializes in different aspects of communication, from maintaining equipment to encoding messages. Their work is vital to the smooth operation of the Legion’s command structure. Commanded by a Signal Leader.

Specialized Units

Support Divisions (1,000)
  Background: The Support Divisions provide the critical expertise and specialized skills needed to augment the main combat units. Their presence ensures that the Legion can overcome any obstacle, whether it’s engineering challenges, logistical problems or reconnaissance needs. Commanded by a Support Officer.
  Support Structure:
  Engineer Teams (5)
  Background: These teams of engineers are responsible for constructing fortifications, siege works, and repairing structures. They are ingenious problem-solvers, often turning the tide of battle with their technical prowess. Commanded by a Chief Engineer.
  Warsage Units (5)
  Background: Warsages are soldiers with the capacity to cast magic, capable of healing and other magical feats. They can mend wounds and cure ailments on the battlefield, ensuring their comrades can continue fighting. Their presence is crucial in maintaining the morale and health of the troops. Commanded by a Warseer.
  Recon Squads (10)
  Background: These scouts are the eyes and ears of the Legion, skilled in stealth and survival. They gather vital intelligence, conduct reconnaissance missions, and provide early warning of enemy movements. Commanded by a Recon Leader.
  Siege Teams (10)
  Background: Siege specialists are experts in operating and maintaining siege equipment like ballistae, trebuchets, and battering rams. They play a crucial role during sieges and in breaking enemy fortifications. Commanded by a Siege Master.

Logistical Units

Logistics Corps (500)
  Background: The Logistics Corps ensures that the Legion remains well-supplied and mobile. They manage the supply lines, transportation of goods, and maintenance of equipment, ensuring operational readiness at all times. Commanded by a Logistics Officer.
  Logistics Structure:
  Supply Teams (5)
  Background: These teams handle the procurement, storage, and distribution of supplies, including food, weapons, and other essential materials. They are crucial in maintaining the morale and fighting capability of the Legion. Commanded by a Supply Leader.
  Transport Teams (5)
  Background: Responsible for the movement of troops and equipment, these teams ensure that the Legion can rapidly deploy and maintain its strategic flexibility. They manage the pack animals, carts, and other transport mechanisms. Commanded by a Transport Leader.

Summary and numerical breakdown of forces

  High Command: 30 personnel
  Main Combat Units: 9,000 personnel (10 Regiments)
  Specialized Units: 1,000 personnel
  Logistical Units: 500 personnel
  Command and Control: 100 personnel

    Regiments (Combat): 10 regiments × 900 soldiers each = 9,000 soldiers

  Specialized Units (Support): 1,000 soldiers

  Engineer Teams: 5 teams × 40 soldiers each = 200 soldiers
  Warsage Units: 5 units × 20 soldiers each = 100 soldiers
  Recon Squads: 10 squads × 10 soldiers each = 100 soldiers
  Siege Teams: 10 teams × 50 soldiers each = 500 soldiers

  Logistical Units (Logistics): 500 soldiers

  Supply Teams: 5 teams × 50 soldiers each = 250 soldiers
  Transport Teams: 5 teams × 50 soldiers each = 250 soldiers

  Command and Control (Communications): 100 soldiers

  Signal Units: 10 units × 10 soldiers each = 100 soldiers

  High Command: 30 personnel
How does one make a Telothian legionnaire laugh?
  No, seriously. Honest question.
–A Pluthemian minstrel
by AI-generated
A Company Lieutenant of the Telothian Legion, his rank denoted by his gilded armor

by Midjourney
A regiment of the Telothian Legion moving out

by Midjourney
"Legionnaire's Last Stand", a painting by an anonymous artist depicting a lone legionnaire in combat against the Faltered

Cover image: by AI-generated
Character flag image: by Midjourney


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