The Funereal Manor

The Funereal Manor is the lair of the Ashen Baron and staging ground for his unholy crusades towards the Heart of Hate. This ominous abode is not bound by the same laws that govern the rest of Nascindor, as it inexplicably moves from place to place within the Black Forest, its doors closed to all visitors except those who have been compelled to arrive via contracting the Grey Pox.


Physically, the manor represents a fairly common style of building found in the human city-states, especially those seen in the more wealthy parts of Glarithia, except it too seems to grow wild with the gnarled branches of the dead trees that surround it. The stylings of the manor, and especially the deceptively warm glow of light shining from the windows, give it a rather imposing presence in the foggy darkness of the Death's Head Orchard.  


How the manor moves through the outskirts of the Black Forest is a matter of debate, and several theories have been put forth. Maybe the most cited theory has been posited by a research team of the Enlightened Few, who claim that the manor in itself can project into the Tapestrum Arcanum, and somehow traverses that magical dimension, only to reappear in a new place within the cursed forest as the projection ends. How an inanimate building could project itself into the Tapestry is a question that has sparked an entire academic discussion of its own.
I could have sworn it was here yesterday.
  Where could it have gone?!

–A bewildered Seeker scout to his comrades
by AI-generated
The Funereal Manor rising from the fetid ground of the Black Forest

Cover image: by AI-generated


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