The Lull Physical / Metaphysical Law in Nascindor | World Anvil

The Lull

While the Hosts that surge forth from the Black Forest at times are a cause for great concern, there exists also an inverse of these incursions; a period of calm in the forest that is known as the Lull.

Cyclical nature

Just as the waves of the ocean crash onto shore and then recede, so too does it seem that the rancor of the Black Forest ebbs at times, only for it to awaken once more to birth abominations at a rate beyond all reason.
  The logical reasoning for this is that, like all dreamers, the Adversary's slumber is at times fitful and and at other times peaceful. The foul god's nightmare essentially flares up and dies down in a repeating cycle.
  The bravest philosophers, not afraid of excommunication by the church of Resounding Truth, go so far as to claim that the power of the Eternal Hymn is not that it strengthens the prison of the Adversary, but rather keeps the god asleep, therefore making that holiest of hymns essentially a lullaby.


During the Lull, the incessant spawning of Hatelings slows down considerably, and those monsters that are birthed are smaller and weaker while already existing Hatelings simply slink into the many holes and burrows on the forest floor. The angry red radiance of the Heart of Hate lessens somewhat, even allowing some sunlight to shine through. The blackened and gnarled trees may even, in rare cases, blossom with blood-red flowers.
  Due to this the jobs of the Seekers become much easier, and the members of the fellowships are even afforded some leave to go meet with the families and loved ones they left behind upon joining. It is because of this that the Lull is a highly anticipated cycle, both among the soldiery and the common folk. Of course, the mere fact that the forest mellows out is in itself a cause for celebration, and most people do just that.
by Midjourney
A phenomenon only visible during the Lull; sunlight penetrating into the Black Forest

Cover image: by Midjourney


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