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Baloth (Baa-law-th)

Fast-growing, ill-tempered, aggressive horned beasts of the Primal Wilds.   It's diet consists of fruits, vegetables, small woodland animals, large woodland animals, woodlands, fruit groves, and small cities.   A young baloth pup channels its energy into destructive playfulness. Over time, it becomes less playful but no less destructive.   Baloth cries are more felt than heard, but their attack scream carries for miles.

Basic Information


Leathery skin, prominent horns growing in multiple parts of body, sharp teeth, powerful digging claws

Biological Traits

Grow fast, grow angry, grow tough. Will continue to grow bigger, tougher, and angrier until their brain can no longer manage their colossal structure. Baloths that survive into adulthood usually only die to Elder Dinosaurs or sudden brain death.

Genetics and Reproduction

Mates anytime after 5 years of age   Typically gives birth to litters of 1-4 pups

Growth Rate & Stages

0-2 years, size Medium   2-5 years, size Large   5-10 years, size Huge   10+ years, size Gargantuan

Ecology and Habitats

Thick forest

Dietary Needs and Habits

Fruits   Vegetables   Small Woodland Animals   Large Woodland Animals   Woodlands   Fruit Groves   Small Cities


Females tend to be very solitary while raising pups until fully grown. Extremely protective of their young, terrifyingly savage to potential predators. Males tend to hunt in packs known as "quakes" owing to the rumbling sensation that can be felt for miles. It's not a matter of hunting stealthily, but rather rampaging until they come upon something that cannot run away fast enough.   Young baloths need to feed frequently to fuel the berserk growth rates their bodies undergo. Once fully grown, they no longer need to eat constantly, but as their brain struggles to adapt to their gargantuan frame, eating becomes one of the few functions it can still maintain.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The leader of the quake is always the biggest one


After 3 years, domestication is rendered impossible as the need to eat or breed consumes all brain function

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Primary food source for Huge+ Dinosaurs

Facial characteristics

Multiple horns growing in different directions   Large, Sharp Teeth

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Exclusively native to Primal Wilds, though some have attempted to capture and bring specimens to other locations for study   None have yet succeeded

Average Intelligence

Baloth Moods:   Scared (when young)   Hungry   Angry   Horny   All of the Above

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Tremorsense 50ft

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Needlebeaks-Feed on leftovers and parasites the baloths can't reach

Civilization and Culture

Courtship Ideals

No one who's gotten close enough to see has survived

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Big ones hunt the Primals, so the Primals hunt the little ones so they don't get big


Created by the Dragon Tyrant and placed in the Primal Wilds. Prisoners were sent to the island to be hunted by the baloths. After the Dragon Tyrant's defeat, efforts were made to eradicate them, but they have proven extremely resilient. In time, they have become incorporated into the food chain, becoming one of the chief food sources for the larger carnivorous dinosaurs.
Scientific Name
Tonitrua Pes
1-40 years
Conservation Status
Despite best efforts to hunt them to extinction, they continue to survive
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Length
Average Physique
Imagine a Tarrasque, but slightly smaller, less invulnerable, less apocalyptic, and breeds much faster
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Brownish green
Geographic Distribution


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