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Kosch, God of Curses (Koh-sh)

God of Curses Kosch (a.k.a. the Lingering Will)

The carrier of all the Dragon Tyrant's malice & cruelty, Kosch was the first Dark God, and remains the source of immeasurable suffering for the continent of Respite. Created out of the Dragon Tyrant's desire to punish their subjects for insolence, resistance, and attempts at rebellion, Kosch came into being to scar the land down to its very roots. His presence corrupts everything it touches, from the nature, to the wildlife, to the people, to the resevoirs of magic that could be used to dispel his malevolence.   The Dragon Tyrant may have fled, the Giants may have nearly broken Nasza Ziemia apart trying to purge the land of their twisted tormentor's evil, but as long as Kosch still lives, Respite shall remain cursed. Countless searches and hunts have taken place over thousands of years, thousands of attempts to track down Kosch and put an end to him. None have ever succeeded, and the dragon root of pain & suffering continues to do his terrible work. Only once Kosch is dead can the Mortal Lands truly begin to recover from the sadistic punishment cast upon them over four thousand years ago.   There are those who draw power from Kosch. Individuals who wish to cause others suffering will always have the evil dragon's ear. But to use Curse Magic is to be touched by it, meaning none who utilize it ever come out of the experience unscathed. As the lingering festering will of the Dragon Tyrant, Kosch exists only to inflict pain.

Divine Domains

Curse Magic

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Twisted Nail Through a Hand

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Punish, Torment, Suffering to Disloyal Slaves

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Sickening Aura

Special abilities

Arcane Corruption

Personality Characteristics


Pain for the sake of inflicting pain
Divine Classification
Dark God
Chaotic Evil
Current Status
Current Location
Year of Birth
1277 PDT 5533 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Created by Dragon Tyrant to punish the insolent
Current Residence
Lair of Misfortunes
Putrid Yellow
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Sickly Green/Tourquoise
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations


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