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Nasza Ziemia: Land of Wonders


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Introduction & 1st Age
Welcome to the plane of Nasza Ziemia! A land steeped in tragedy & triumph, it has witnessed tyrants, war, revolution, inspiration, and true wonders few have ever beheld. Originally created by Calamity, God of Creation & Destruction, it was a paradise that spiraled out of control when left to the unpredictable natures of the Old Gods. What exactly transpired remains one of the plane's greatest mysteries, as Calamity saw fit to destroy all life and start over.  
2nd Age
To start over, Calamity sealed away the Old Gods and became the sole guardian of the plane for the 2nd Age. The first of Calamity's new creations, known as the Elder Races (Dragons, Giants, Angels, Demons, Elves, Dwarves, and Merfolk) began to populate and explore the fresh world given to them by their creator. Alas, tragedy struck again when a Dragon Planeswalker happened upon the new plane, and set their sights upon claiming it for their own. They blindsided Calamity, critically wounding Them. Calamity was forced to hide & recuperate for over a thousand years, during which time the Dragon Tyrant turned Nasza Ziemia into their personal pet empire. Bringing their own Dark Gods to punish those who resisted. In order to supplement the catastrophic last of life they inflicted, they created the Humans, designed to grow & die at much greater speeds than the Elder Races, as well as to breed and weaken them into more replacable & disposable servants. When Calamity finally returned They drove a nail through the Dragon Tyrant's neck, pinning them as Calamity prepared to unmake them. Forced into the same desperate situation as the God they'd brought low, the Dragon Tyrant tore themselves open and fled the plane, never to be seen again.  
3rd Age
The 3rd Age would begin as one of rebuilding and recovery, but become marred by war between the Draconic Usurpers looking to take the place of the Dragon Tyrant. Standing against them were the Giants, who refused to bow before another Emperor of Cruelty. It was during this time that the first of the New Gods were born, some called into existence by powerful beliefs manifested into celestial entities, others mortal beings who ascended to divinity through incredible displays of devotion to a cause. In the end, the Giants triumphed over the Draconic Usurpers, but in their efforts to purge the plane of the evils from the previous age, to those evils they would succumb, and an Empire of Giants was built. With it, war came again, and the plane was once more thrown into turmoil. The turning point came with the death of Aisling, New God of the Elves. Finally forced to acknowledge They had failed in Their task, Calamity released the Old Gods and the Giants fell, banished to the very top of the plane until their last days.  
4th Age
The 4th Age has seen the rise of new factions, New Gods, incredible new technologies, and significantly shorter periods of total chaos & war. Civil Wars have broken out within factions, but the greatest threat in memory would be the Psychic Wars which saw the interplanar invaders known as the Illithids attempt to conquer the plane through psionic magics and eldritch abominations. Victory was achieved, but the trauma experienced has not disappeared. The land has become divided, both for better & for worse. To the West lie the Dragonlands of Tarkir, alongside the Primal Wilds of Ixalan. To the South, the Immortal Lands of Llanowar & Duermyn, split between unyielding forestlands and advancing technological civilization. The once mighty bonds between the Elves & Dwarves have turned from friendship, to rivalry, to open animosity. To the East lie the Mortal Lands of Respite, also known as the Cursed Lands due to the lingering dark magics left over from the time of the Dragon Tyrant. Overseeing these lands are the Rose Kingdoms, and all the messy royal politics three kingdoms of Tieflings, Aasimar, and Vampires can possibly conjure. To the North are the Giant Lands of Fimblvintr, the last scrap of icy lands the Giants can call their own. Spread around & between are the Orazcas, better known as the Seven Seas, populated by the Slumbering Islands, each its own distinct world, and the Whispering Isles home to the shadowy Cult of Whisper.  
The Fourth Age is well underway.   The Dragonlords rule the lands to the west, awaiting whatever outsiders are brave & resilient enough to reach their respective domains. Neighboring are the Primal Wilds of Ixalan, savage lands of feathered behemoths who care only for their next meal.   In the East, the Rose Kingdom trinity watches over their citizens, defending them from the monsters (and some of the people) lurking in the dark forests of the Ulvenwald. With the recent death of their monarch, a new successor must be chosen from among the nine clans to lead the nation.   To the South, the Immortal Lands have spent nearly a millennium recovering from the Illithid's incursion. The founding of the Telepath Collective & Psionist Army will ensure the plane's safety should the Psychic Wars ever return. If the two factions don't start a civil war first. The lands are torn between the dying traditions of the Elves, and the reckless modernization of the Dwarves. Relations between the two have never been more hostile.   Far north, at the top of the world, the remnants of the Giant's once-great empire wait in scorned exile, driven to their last haven following the Titanfall that ended the 3rd Age. Has Nasza Ziemia truly seen the last of these former conquerors? The oaths of the Soulswatch across the sea in Respite stand ever-vigilant to prevent such events from ever occurring again.   Throughout the Seven Seas, pirates of the Ironsider's League roam in search of plunder and freedom from the conformities of society. From the farthest corner of Strixhaven's Foundation of Arcana, across the Slumbering Islands, passed the hidden laboratories of secret M.O.S.A.I.C. research projects, to the shattered throne that once belonged to the Dragon Tyrant of millennia past, and to lands not yet discovered by the rest of the plane. No one will take their freedom from them without a fight.   In Strixhaven, a series of islands rich with magical energy, five Colleges make up the Foundation of Arcana teach their respective curriculums to the next generation of spellcasters. What are those Wizards up to? Even if they told, we probably wouldn't understand it anyway.   In the heart of the Whispering Isles, the mysterious Demonlord Whisper leads their Cult on a crusade to rid the lands of undead. What secrets do the silent knights keep? None can say.   Where shall your adventure begin?


One Too Long Shots

Dungeons & Dragons 5e

Adventurers of the Immortal Lands
