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Ohm, God of Light (Oh-mm)

God of Light Ohm (a.k.a. the Brilliant)

Old God of Light who illuminates the world. Ohm is depicted as a blinding source of radiant energy that cannot be viewed directly, appearing only as an impossibly bright sphere. As a result, no one has ever seen Ohm's true form and lived to tell the tale. Those foolish individuals who have attempted to get close enough have been immolated. This is not to say Ohm is a malevolent or vengeful God. Their existence is meant to be a gift to all of Nasza Ziemia, and should someone get too close, their body would cast a shadow over the land.   Some say Thuule, God of Shadows, is a result of someone getting close enough to Ohm to cast such a darkness. No one knows for sure, but Ohm and Thuule exist in constant pursuit of each other, although none can say for sure whom is chasing whom.

Divine Domains

Divine Classification
Old God
Lawful Neutral
Current Location
Current Residence
The Sky


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