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Became the head of the old Orc pantheon after fighting for supremacy amongst them, he is now the last one left that is remembered, weakened as he lost many of his worshippers. Most civilised Orcs have stopped following their old gods altogether. Bhahrodokk is maddened by the loss of his power and many of his people. He wants to subjugate the orcs once more, and uses the wild and savage tribes of orcs that still follow him to try and build up a large enough force to capture the larger orc cities and settlements once again. He urges his followers to breed in order to build up his army, and hates those orks who turned away from him almost as much as he hates the elves, as their emprire survived the war agains Demos, while the orcs's fell and turned against him.

Divine Domains

Of Savagery and Domination
Divine Classification

This article has no secrets.


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