
Age: Mature ~10 years Hardship Likelihood: 1 Hardship Type: —- Inter-CommunityConflict/Violence - Heavy Losses -3 population density -3 disposition Size: Small Condition: Simple Environment: Coast Desert Speciality: Crafted Goods Resources: Herbs (herbalist’s hut & garden) Recent History: Bumper Production - a staple resource of the village has yielded very well, recently. Population Density: Dense -1 crime Disposition: Neutral Law Enforcement: Sheriff & Deputies +2 crime Leadership: Natural Village Elder Population Wealth: Average Crime: Little-to-None   Places of Worship: 2 —- Sanctuary —- Oratory Fervency of Local Following: Subtle Alignment of Faith: Neutral Places of Gathering: Gathering Hall Other Locations: 2 —- Herbalist’s Hut —- Garden —- Stable —- Tavern   Events: Love Political Rumors: Drums of War Superstitions: After visiting a grave or cemetery, one must take a winding path home, making stops along the way, in order to lose any tag-along spirits. Goings On: Echoes on the Deep Opportunities: Hauntings Harsh Weather: Drought Danger Level: Low Danger Type: Monster Prey


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