Firebrand Justiciars


  1. Enforce Imperial Law: The Firebrand Justiciars are tasked with upholding the rule of law and maintaining order within the empire, ensuring that justice is swiftly and impartially administered to all citizens. Their goal is to root out corruption, punish lawbreakers, and maintain social stability under the guidance of the Ashen Arbiter, preserving the authority of the Pyrex Primus Emperor.
  2. Protect Civil Liberties: Working in tandem with the Ashen Arbiter, the Firebrand Justiciars strive to protect the civil liberties and rights of the empire's citizens, safeguarding them from unjust persecution and undue oppression. Their goal is to uphold the principles of fairness, equality, and justice, serving as guardians of the people's freedoms and liberties against tyranny and injustice.
  3. Combat Dissent: In addition to enforcing the law, the Firebrand Justiciars are tasked with identifying and neutralizing threats to imperial authority and stability, including dissenting factions, rebel groups, and subversive elements. Their goal is to suppress dissent, quell rebellions, and maintain social order, ensuring that the empire remains united and cohesive under the leadership of the Pyrex Primus Emperor.


Leader: Flamegavel Ironclad
  • Ashborn Brightflame
  • Cinderscale Ashbringer
  • Emberheart Swiftblade
  • 5. Pyrestrike Flamecaller


Court, Royal


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