Smelts Of Heaven


This business started out as an alternative weapons and armor shop to the military’s blacksmith. Kobakk noticed other people showing up looking for more stylized pieces than the run of the mill look that the military has to offer and for a better price. To this day it is one of the best blacksmith shops in the area. Even the local guard and military will sometimes contract him out. The products that come from this shop some say have a hint of the divine hence the shops’ name. Some claim that they are indeed imbued with celestial or divine magic and others say its just people being superstitious along with great marketing.   During times of war, the blacksmiths were often called upon to forge weapons and armor for the town's militia, creating sturdy and reliable gear that could withstand the rigors of battle.   Despite several changes in ownership and occasional setbacks, such as devastating fires that threatened to destroy the shop and its contents, Smelts of Heaven has remained a symbol of the town's strength and resilience. Today, the current proprietor continues to carry on the tradition of fine metalwork, using both traditional techniques and modern tools to create everything from practical items like horseshoes and nails to intricate works of art like ornamental gates and sculptures.   Overall, the Smelts of Heaven represents the power and beauty of metal, a testament to the skill and dedication of the craftsmen who shape it with their own hands. It is a place of hard work and artistic expression, where the clanging of hammers and the roar of the forge blend together in a symphony of creation.


As you enter the blacksmith shop, the clanging of metal against metal assaults your ears. The interior is hot and smoky, with flames licking at the edges of the forge, casting flickering shadows on the walls.   In the center of the room stands a massive anvil, its surface pitted and scarred from countless hammer blows. Beside it, a muscular half-orc with a thick beard and arms like tree trunks pounds a red-hot piece of metal into shape with a heavy hammer.   The walls are lined with racks of tools and equipment, from tongs and hammers to bellows and sharpening stones. Shelves hold stacks of metal ingots, coils of wire, and sheets of iron, steel, and copper.   Behind the dwarf, a row of weapons and armor hangs on a wooden rack, gleaming in the firelight. Swords, axes, shields, and helmets bear the marks of their creator's skilled hands, each one a testament to the artistry and craftsmanship of the blacksmith's trade.   In the corner, a young apprentice works on a simpler project, hammering out nails and hinges for the town's carpenters and builders. The air is thick with the smell of burning coal and the tang of hot metal.   As you approach the dwarf, he greets you with a nod and asks what brings you to his shop. He explains that he is the town's main blacksmith, responsible for supplying weapons and armor to the local militia and adventurers. He also takes on custom orders from wealthy patrons, fashioning intricate jewelry and ornate weapons.   Overall, the blacksmith shop exudes a sense of rugged strength and skillful artistry. It is a place where weapons are forged, armor is crafted, and metal is shaped into works of both practical and aesthetic beauty.
Craftsman, Blacksmith / Smithy
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