The Pyrolegion

Ranking System

  1. Pyrex Primus (Supreme Leader of the Order):  
    • Specialized Force: Pyroclasm Vanguard
    • Role: Leads the vanguard in decisive assaults and strategic maneuvers.
    • Commands: Directs multiple legions (10,000+ soldiers).
    • Promotion: Promotion to Pyrex Primus is unknown since the current Pyrex Primus has never died or shown signs that they will die or step down
    • Responsibilities:
      • Formulate grand strategies and battle plans.
      • Inspire and lead the Pyroclasm Vanguard.
      • Ensure the conquest and subjugation of enemy territories.
  2. Pyroarch (High General):  
    • Specialized Force: Inferno Legionnaires
    • Role: Commands legions in large-scale engagements and campaigns.
    • Commands: Leads a legion (5,000-10,000 soldiers).
    • Promotion Criteria: Earns promotion to Pyroarch by orchestrating a series of successful military campaigns and demonstrating exceptional strategic prowess.
      • Ritual: The promotion ritual entails the candidate facing a trial of combat against veteran champions in a fiery arena, showcasing their mastery of both strategy and martial skill.
    • Responsibilities:
      • Execute military campaigns and coordinate troop movements.
      • Maintain discipline and morale among the Inferno Legionnaires.
      • Report directly to the Emberlord on strategic matters.
  3. Flamebringer (General):  
    • Specialized Force: Scorch Guard
    • Role: Oversees cohorts and spearheads assaults on enemy positions.
    • Commands: Leads a cohort (500-1,000 soldiers).
    • Promotion Criteria: Advances to Flamebringer by leading a cohort to victory in a critical battle that turns the tide of a major conflict.
      • Ritual: The promotion ritual involves the candidate igniting a ceremonial bonfire using their own battle standard, symbolizing their responsibility to inspire and lead their soldiers.
    • Responsibilities:
      • Direct tactical operations and engagements.
      • Train and mentor the Scorch Guard in combat techniques.
      • Ensure logistical support and supply chain management.
  4. Firebrand (Commander):  
    • Specialized Force: Blazing Sentinels
    • Role: Leads maniples in skirmishes and defensive operations.
    • Commands: Heads a maniple (50-100 soldiers).
    • Promotion Criteria: Achieves promotion to Firebrand by excelling in multiple engagements, displaying exceptional tactical acumen and leadership under fire.
      • Ritual: The promotion ritual includes the candidate forging a new weapon from molten metal and presenting it to their superior officers, signifying their readiness to lead with strength and precision.
    • Responsibilities:
      • Execute orders from higher-ranking officers.
      • Maintain discipline and combat readiness among the Blazing Sentinels.
      • Liaise with Flamebringers on mission objectives.
  5. Emberward (Captain):  
    • Specialized Force: Ignition Scouts
    • Role: Leads squads in reconnaissance and infiltration missions.
    • Commands: Heads a squad (10-20 soldiers).
    • Promotion Criteria: Rises to Emberward by successfully completing daring reconnaissance missions and demonstrating exemplary initiative and adaptability.
      • Ritual: The promotion ritual involves the candidate navigating through a labyrinth engulfed in flames, symbolizing their ability to navigate adversity and emerge victorious.
    • Responsibilities:
      • Conduct reconnaissance and gather intelligence.
      • Conduct hit-and-run tactics and sabotage enemy supply lines.
      • Serve as the backbone of frontline operations.
  6. Ignitor (Sergeant):  
    • Specialized Force: Phoenix Reavers
    • Role: Commands fireteams and provides support in combat.
    • Commands: Leads a fireteam (4-8 soldiers).
    • Promotion Criteria: Advances to Ignitor by consistently displaying courage and skill in combat, earning the trust and respect of their fellow soldiers.
      • Ritual: The promotion ritual entails the candidate crafting a ceremonial torch from sacred firewood and lighting it as a symbol of their newfound leadership role.
    • Responsibilities:
      • Follow orders from superior officers.
      • Coordinate maneuvers and engage enemy forces.
      • Uphold discipline and morale among the Phoenix Reavers.

Recruitment and Initiation

The recruitment process of the Pyrolegion, the formidable military force of the Order of the Burning Crown, is a meticulously orchestrated endeavor aimed at identifying and training the empire's future guardians and conquerors.  


The Pyrolegion's recruiters, known as Ember Seekers, scour the empire for individuals who embody the virtues of strength, discipline, and unwavering loyalty to the Pyrex Primus. They seek out candidates from all walks of life—skilled fighters, seasoned warriors, and ambitious youths who aspire to greatness.   Prospective recruits undergo rigorous trials and tests of combat proficiency, endurance, and strategic thinking. Those who demonstrate exceptional potential and unwavering dedication are selected to join the ranks of the Pyrolegion.  

Initiation Ritual

The initiation into the Pyrolegion is a grand spectacle held in the heart of the imperial capital, attended by dignitaries, military leaders, and the revered Council of the Eternal Flame. The chosen recruits gather in the majestic Arena of Valor, an amphitheater ablaze with torches and roaring with the anticipation of the crowd.   As the ceremony commences, the Ember Seekers lead the recruits into the arena, each adorned in ceremonial armor bearing the symbols of the Burning Crown—a mark of their commitment to the empire's cause.   The initiation ritual unfolds with solemnity and reverence. The recruits kneel before the Council of the Eternal Flame, who invoke the blessings of the Imperium Divinitatis upon them—seeking the favor of Cerevin for valor, Calor for strength, and Venatrix for cunning.   In the climax of the ceremony, the recruits face a final trial of initiation. Each must pass through a gauntlet of fire, symbolizing their readiness to endure the trials of warfare and the crucible of battle. The flames roar and crackle, testing the resolve and mettle of the recruits.   As they emerge from the inferno unscathed, the recruits are hailed as Flameforged warriors of the Pyrolegion. They receive their official titles and insignias, marking the beginning of their journey as guardians of the Burning Crown.   The initiation concludes with a lavish banquet and celebration, where seasoned veterans of the Pyrolegion welcome the new Flameforged with pride and camaraderie. It is a moment of triumph and honor, as the recruits embrace their role in shaping the destiny of the Order of the Burning Crown.
Military Order


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