History of Myrkugg

Before Kindred Fell

18000 BKF - 0 AGS

  • 18000 BKF
    The Emergence
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The world is born.

  • 17000 BKF
    Rise of Planar Beings
    Life, Birth
  • 10000 BKF
    Arrival of New Gods
    Celestial / Cosmic
  • 5500 BKF
    Divine Cleansing
    Celestial / Cosmic

    4 Gods become the Unspoken Kindred

  • 2100 BKF
    Solar Flare
    Disaster / Destruction

  • 1800 BKF
    Human Tribe finds a New Home
    Life, Relocation

  • 1000 BKF
    Discovery of New Energy Source
    Discovery, Exploration

After the Great Seal

0 AGS - Current

  • 0 AGS

    Demonic Intrusion
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

  • 10 AGS

    Fall of a Kingdom

  • 60 AGS

    Kingdom expands through conquest
    Military action

  • 150 AGS
    Natural Disaster (Wildfire)
    Disaster / Destruction

  • 170 AGS
    Kingdom declines through source of major resource lost
    Life, Wealth

  • 260 AGS
    Weak Leader reigns
    Political event

  • 290 AGS
    Major Eclipse
    Celestial / Cosmic

  • 370 AGS
    Average Soldier becomes War Hero
    Military action

    More reading
    Soldier War Hero
  • 430 AGS
    Successful Rebellion by colony

  • 440 AGS
    Political System replaced
    Political event

  • 460 AGS
    Historical Figure - Advisor
    Life, Publicity

  • 510 AGS
    Disaster Causing population shift
    Plague / Epidemic

  • 570 AGS
    Master Spy becomes War Hero
    Military action

    More reading
    Master Spy War Hero
  • 660 AGS
    Historical Figure - Inventor
    Life, Publicity

  • 700 AGS
    Successful Rebellion by peasants

  • 750 AGS
    War successful over Foreign Power
    Military action

  • 760 AGS
    Monster establishes wilderness foothold
    Discovery, Exploration

  • 764 AGS
    Dissolution of a subdivision of a kingdom
    Religious event

  • 771 AGS
    Leader Assassinated
    Criminal Activity

  • 780 AGS
    Disaster - Famine
    Disaster / Destruction

  • 786 AGS

    Battle of the Re-Seal
    Military: Battle