Arket, Goddess of Misfortune Character in Nauvitalia | World Anvil
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Arket, Goddess of Misfortune

-The Man Who Just Stubbed His Toe


In contrast to her opposite, Cyrill, Arket is the most hated and feared Goddess. Worship of her mostly comes from those who wish to avoid hard times, and those wishing hard times upon others. Arket is mysterious and unpredictable in her movements and is known to occasionally throw a terrible span of misfortune upon the world at seemingly random intervals. The clerics of Arket are blessed with powers to make life hard for other people in unpredictable ways.  


Arket doesn't have many domains, due to misfortune being a rather general topic. Her worship and actions span many small facets of life, but few of them could be considered domains in their own right, simply an extension of misfortune in general. Any unique domains that are worshipped are done so in secret, often in the forms of small cults.  


Faith in Arket comes in a few forms. Notably, it's common to see faithful to Arket practice minor bloodletting or some other act that brings small misfortune upon themselves to sate their Goddess, preventing greater misfortune from hitting them. These actions are done ritually, typically in a public but quiet space, such that the misfortune touches the world.
Those particularly faithful to Arket might attend churches or cults in which to worship her. This consists of the same ritual misfortune but done at once to create more concentrated misfortune. There are rumours of these rituals being able to create clerics with far greater powers over negative karma, though this isn't confirmed due to the esoteric nature of such gatherings.
Faithful who wish harm upon the world will often take their Goddess' duty into their own hands, bringing misfortune to the world where possible in the hopes that they will one day receive divine aid.


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