Kiosiaki ((kio-see-a-key))
Sase Marin Kilo, Sa Mago Katia
Well the word itself has no meaning within our language, this spell is used for a sort of summoning of "shadow-magic." The exact spell is unknown and the exact effect is unknown as well but it had give people massive strides in being able to enhance weapons with magic. This process later became known as Eringora (ee-rin-go-ra), meaning to enhance or enchant. This process is what allowed the humans to survive against the Kasaki (ka-sa-key) for as long as they did. Leaving a few of these weapons stashed among the ruins, that any who seek out this knowledge is sure to find something about it. Regardless many have searched for years without coming any closer to going the knowledge this spell. Thus this has been labeled as a myth and many have forgotten about this being an option at all.
To those brave enough to seek out a fairytale are other reward for much of fruitless work, but those who can push through to fine the key will unlock something so much more than just a thing, but find the true research the human kept hidden from the other races for centuries.
Spent countless time, effort, money, and manpower looking after fairytales have left us wondering if the cost was even worth the effort to continue this fruitless search, for I fear the human ingenuity has been lost forever. - The Empire's Spokesperson: Emerist