Whispering Mounds
With their eroded tops and crumbling sides these mountains tell a story lost to time. With the wither trees and the lack of foliage the mountains are mostly rocky. The last remains of ice slowly funneling into the dwindling river at their base. Now whether it's the wind rushing through them or something hidden within these mountains can sing the tales of the past, if you're quiet enough to listen. For the lucky few adventures say they have stumbled across something here that seems to be extinct, a few remaining humans with things beyond description. As one side brushed up against the dune sea you find a heavy contraction of human remains in the mountains, along with the Shadowfolk who wander around as well.
The mountains will tell you a story if your quiet otherwise your hear the sounds of wails echo through the rock terrain.
- Netro Quilp
The Lost Heroes
With the remains of people you also find things that have just rested in the mountains for years after the invasion of Shadowfolk. For humans were inventive with what they were using to fight off creatures who threatened the land around them. For the times of ancients has passed but heroes are for every generation to experience. So if the mountains be dangerous then have your teams back but you may never know what you will find in these hills.
Mountain Range
Thanks for your Cooperation,
The Guild of Adventures