Baralovia Settlement in Nazdromath | World Anvil
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Very diverse.


The nation is run by a king and his advisors. The laws are carried out and enforced by lawmasters and Astraen national guard. There are heavy taxes placed on luxury items and tariffs. Tax collectors make rounds once a year to collect the taxes of the citizens through a registration system that requires any luxury items, homes, animals, ect. to be reported to the local tax offices.

Industry & Trade

Major imports of Astra are raw metal and alcohol. Major exports of Astra are seafood and wood.

Guilds and Factions

The most important faction is [placeholder], which is Astra's government and military. Guilds across the nation range from the helping hands of [placeholder] to the more underground, ruffians of the [placeholder for druidic yakuza].


Mainly grey stone and dark wood are used in Astraen buildings, due to it being the most abundant resource.


Astra is full of forests and rolling hills. Northern Astra is quite snowy for most of the year.

Natural Resources

Dark wood from the forests, corn from the farms, deer in the forests, and fish from the seas.


  • Baralovia
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