Kitsune Species in Nazdromath | World Anvil
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Basic Information


Kitsune are anthropomorphic foxes. In their natural state, these nimble tricksters are humanoid in shape. They are covered in fur that most commonly is red with a white belly, but can be an array of different types depending on their birth environment and their variant type. Kitsune have naturally magic tails and they can grow up to 9 in total that they gain through out a lifetime. Aside from their tails, a kitsune does not appear to age after first reaching adulthood.   A kitsune can magically assume a human appearance, which always appears to be a young adult regardless of its age. Any given kitsune can only transform into one specific human appearance.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Male: Han, Hiroto, Kirote, Mare,   Female: Fenro, Kimone, Rain, Sinatsu

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Common, Sylvan

Historical Figures

Daigo Inizumi
Kaze, Kasai, Mori, Chikyu, Yama, Kawa, Umi, Sanda, Tengoku, Kukan, Seishin, Jikan, Ongaku
100 years
Average Height
4'5" - 5'10" (134.6 - 177.8 cm)

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