Natchi Krilli Geographic Location in Nebula Burning | World Anvil

Natchi Krilli (Nah-chee Krill-ee)

The waters of Natchi Krilli run deep

" Water's the lifeblood here on Natchi. Don't matter what you do elsewhere's in the Cluster, here the water folx rule.

- Xeno Rhyne
  The larger of the two originally inhabitable planets in the system, Natchi Krilli runs rife with lush waterways. When the first settlers landed there, the numerous waterways of the planet were immediately established as the best source of food. Even as cities and towns have grown up over time this has remained the same. Natchi Krilli is now known as the main source for any fish in the Cluster.   The main methods of transportation on the planet are different than all others. Instead of having multiple spaceports across the planet's surface like many do, Natchi Krilli has one massive spaceport in its capital. Beyond that city, all transportation on the planet focuses on the many waterways.  


The geography of Natchi Krilli is naturally rich with rivers, lakes, oceans, and mountainous regions in between. Most of the rivers run from underground springs high in the mountains. The massive aquifers that feed these springs are under almost constant surveillance for it a waterway fails, since such would put a strain on the planetary economy.  

Flora & Fauna

Having been a thriving planet before settlers came to it, Natchi Krilli has its own unique set of flora and fauna. Because of the numerous bodies of water, there are over 50,000 documented species that could classify as fish on the planet. After fish, tw of the other famous creatures of Natchi Krilli are the Natchian Mountain Goat that climbs sheer vertical cliffs and the Krillic Lion that dominates the only planes region on the planet.  

Natural Resources

While fish is the number one resource on the planet, there is also a high price demand for Natchi Krillan stone. The stone itself has a distinct glimmer to it that doesn't come with other stone - potentially coming from the high water content of the planet. Few companies mine it, so it is a rarity.  


Natchi Krilli has a relatively decent stint of tourism, 90% of it focused on their waterways. If tourists aren't coming to fish (either recreationally or in one of many tournaments), then they are there to explore the twists and turns of one of the many rivers. The planet also receives a small number of professional and casual mountaineers every year.

Credits: Banner was created in Illustrator with images generated using Artbreeder. Planetary map was created by Terion in Wonderdraft. Planet art by Terion.





Primary Work


Day/Night Cycle

15 Bit-cycle


Natchi Krillian (shorthand: Krillan)

Map of Natchi Krilli

Natchi Krilli


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