Neuro Chip Life

Neuro Chip Life is a very complex chip that can transfer your neural net onto. This chip is illegal on all initiative world. We are lucky that most people do not know how to build it and a few of the pieces are rare materials.

Was invented by a colony on the planet redacted that they didn't realize the there is something in the atmosphere that was weakening their bodies. So by the time they realize that something happened it was irreversible damage. A scientist named Brassian Reductive invented a chip import their mind and then and put them into artificial bodies. This works for a time so people began not fearing death and hating everyone. The civilization destroyed itself.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Ideally it takes your electrical magnetic ways in your neural net and download it on a chip. Leaving the body brain dead. Than any sister on that could read the Chip And process me to give you access to its functions.


Waning there's a possible chance that there is one chip out there. A scientist by the name of Wrangler Johnson. Found the technology and started picking people's bodies and living out in the lives.  Redacted
Item type
All should be destroyed

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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