Nuro electric stabilizers

Nuro electric stabilizers our devices used to maintain epilepsy. it is a device that will stop a seizure before it happens. that way they can live a normal life do not worry about brain damage


So the chip network is put into the center of the hemisphere between the left and right. When a person has a seizure and their neurons start shooting or misfiring between the two hemispheres. It will catch it and slow it down the route into the correct places. With will stop the epileptic seizure from happening. Some side effects might be that the person's reaction time is a bit down during that time. They might still feel slightly lethargic for a short period of time.   Now when the technology was first created back in the day. It was also figured out that I could do their opposite at increase the electrical output of a break increasing reactive time of the body and strength for a short period of time. The Military did use this but it was very dangerous for there are men. They only had about a three to five-minute window of active time before the brain damage. To make matters worse even that could still cause more brain damage the more you use it. also took a lot of training to manage it. with their brains were taken and all that information and was being overloaded.  so they will have to fight with A live hell of a migraine. with a high sensory system. but with this, they made some the great spy or moles
Access & Availability
It is available by most cyber doctors or big hospitals song do you have the money for it.
It's a little bit of the research on epilepsy. Also the technology Putting computer chips at other electronics onto the brain. They were worried about either the chipping fried or overcharging the brain. So some of that resource has made it over to this tech.

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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