Venstill Species in Nebula United | World Anvil


Venstill is quadruped Creature that live in the southern Pole of the planet Limba They are well know from lore of The Shine Kristen. They are know to be her mount as he delivers and gift to all. They pull the cart as they travel world in a blink of eye, so the story goes.

Basic Information


Large Four legs beast with wide hove. A long muzzle with sharp teeth. They have up to12 prong antlers on her head. The antler have small Crystal looking part all over them. Two ponted ears protruding from each side of their head.  Two eyes big and Dark Blue

Ecology and Habitats

They are one of the few creatures that live in South pole ofmthe planet Limba. With their fur coat and big hove it the perfect everment for them. They love cold and can't take the heat. It also live around  forest for cover and food.

Dietary Needs and Habits

It's an Omnivore but they eat more veggies than meat. Their favorite thing to eat is berries but be careful if you feed them they also like finger sandwiches.


For the most part they are causes and peaceful creatures unless you are near their home. If you invade there home they will attack with stream predators and trust me their atlers with the crystal bone all over Will pack a punch. They are family oriented and will protect their young.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

For most of us willFor most of those well in society they are used as Mount. There have been times when they have been hunted for the furst mates but for the most part that time is over. I want to thank that people now hunting for other atlers for the crystal part of the bone But those are mostly Poacher.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They have

Civilization and Culture

Courtship Ideals

The Females of the species will Square off of one another showing the beauty and prowers. The one who win the match will take her prize mate and star a family.
26 years
Conservation Status
They are under the protection of multiple governments For the survival of the species. They have Multi government research and Conservation station where people study the South Pole and protect most of the wildlife there.
Average Height
5.7 to 6.0 feet female are nomal taller
Average Weight
They way around one ton pound
Average Length
Around 5.9 to 7 ft
Average Physique
They are well built and pretty muscular animals.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their body is a mint green Fur all of it. It has white antler's who is crystal bone all over it ? They come in multiple color. With the most prettiest darkest blue eyes on this planet

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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