BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


  One day you woke up. You didn't know where you were or how you got there, you only had the sense that you had to obey an individual named Doctor Ivankov. Only hours after being 'born' you were dragged to a small indoor arena, where you saw the Doctor for the first time. You didn't know how you knew that he was Doctor Ivankov, but you knew it was him and that he was supposed to be your master. He stood there with tall women on his sides, looking down at you.   A wolf was soon dragged into the arena, the creature was chained and handled by two other tall women. Looking at yourself you realized you were tall muscular and a woman too. You probably had always been like that, but you couldn't really remember much from your past. "Defeat this creature and I'll give you a name." The Doctor said. One of the women, this one with dark hair and bright blue eyes tossed you a large heavy looking sword. "Pick it up." She told you, which you instictively did.   The two women on the arena grounds let the chains slide from their hands as they backed out towards the entrance they came through. Meanwhile the wolf, or perpahs it was just a large dog, became more and more agitated as it snarled and foamed from it's mouth. The creature was not right, sick somehow. It was going to attack you.   The fight itself was quick. The beast jumped once, missed, jumped again and you struck it in the side, sending it down on the dirt, panting and whining, blood flowing from its wound. The injury seemed to knock the fight out of the beast, you looked into its eyes, seeing its fear.   "Amazing!" The Doctor shouted. "Now finish it... Valkihr. Yes, Valkihr, a propper name for one who deals death so easily."   For a moment that seemed to last an eternity you stood over the wolf, sword in hand, feeling the command weigh on you. You had to kill it. But you didn't want to. You didn't know how long you stood there, but at a certain point the ground under your feet started to spin slowly.   "I said... KILL IT!" The Doctor repeated. You lifted your arm as though you were a marionaite and were about to strike. But looking at the eyes of the beast you realized it was just a victim in this and you broke free of those strings. You tossed your sword aside and fell back on your rear.   "A failure." You heard from the stands before hearing the sounds of footsteps departing. You pushed your hands in your face and just prenteded the world could disappear. But soon after you were harshly pulled by your hair, forcing your face out of your hands. The dark haired woman looked down at you, now holding your sword in her hand. "Stupid girl." She said before ramming your sword into the wolf's head. She followed this up with a solid punch to your face.   - You learned a lesson that day. The world wasn't kind. And most of all, your 'sisters' were not kind, the Doctor wasn't kind either.   You had to do other horrible things in your time in the Laboratory, you soon discovered that you couldn't just refuse to partake. Other girls were killed for not meeting the Doctor's expectations. They were often the kindest.   But during your time at the Laboratory you learned a second lesson. There was one way to avoid bloodshed, the illusion of danger. Ever since you developed a persona, a cloak that you wore around you. You pretended to be the most savage and unpredicteable among all of your sisters. So savage and dangerous that you could fly off the hook at any moment. This act allowed you to avoid partaking in the most brutal aspects of your training.   After three months you and ten of your 'sisters' finaly left the laboratory and headed to Gitecaro. You kept up your act, prentending you were wild and unpredicteable. Most of the nobles who apparantly bought girls from the Doctor more often passed on you, finding you too dangerous to employ.   All your sisters were sold except for you, you were getting worried, you didn't want to go back to the laboratory. "Well mein kleine Unruhestifter. It seems you and I shall be traveling back together. How very disappointing."   This is when Celeste Fairbringer appeared. Apparantly Celeste was desperate enough to buy even you. "Is she strong?" She asked, her face almost pale white.
"The strongest." You replied simply.
"Mein kleine Unruhestifter is very strong, but she has a bit of the temper. So she is on the discount."
"I'll buy her." Celeste informed him, her face betraying an underlaying desperation within her.

And so it was that you came under the employ of the Fairbringer house. The Fairbringers were a minor noble house that had only risen to importance under the smart dealings of Celeste's father. But he and his wife had passed away somehow, leaving Celeste and her twelve year old brother Nicolas to take charge of the family.

The Fairbringers were clearly in dire straits, their mansion was in disrepair and they employed only a single butler and maid, far too few to really mantain an estate of their size.

  You were told that you, Celester and two others under Celeste's employ, Bertha and Brigetta would be partaking in a competition of sorts where you would enter an old ruin. You spent your time at the estate training with Celeste Fairbringer and her goons. Celeste was a cold woman who tried to seem calm and disciplined but had an air about her that she had lost all control over the situation. Your other two team members were little more than crooks. After your first night of training together and you spotted them stealing expensive cutlery and talking about how stupid their employer was.
After seeing your team mates behavior you continued that night training by yourself. But quite suddenly you felt ill and after coughing up some blood you fell to your knees.   When you woke up again you were in bed. You recalled that in flashes you had seen Nicolas and the butler Grimm support you and take you to this room. You didn't know what had happened exactly but they had taken care of you.
Backflash scene here   Now feeling some loyalty to the Fairbringer household you started your journey to the ruins. At first you and the other teams traveled on a train to the ruins. During the train ride, you and severl other teams came to an understanding. Basicly the teams wouldn't fight each other, knowing that the other teams were filled with more skilled gladiators. You pretended to be scary to them, hoping it would keep them from betraying you later on.
  After the train ride the teams were split up and had to find their own way to the ruins. When you reached the ruins you encountered another team, there were sixteen teams in total and these teams all competed for the crystals that could be found in the ruins. This team was arrogant and sure of themselves, but you were confident and mostly due to your skill you managed to defeat your opponents. Everyone was surprised, your allies and your opponents. The enemy team had employed one of your 'sisters'. She was obedient to Ivankov, but not as good at fighting as you. She had gotten gravely wounded during the fight and was quickly bleeding out. "I prefer my fate over yours." She told you before passing away.   Your luck didn't last as you went deeper into the ruins you realized this place was very strange, there were weird sounds and marking everywhere, it felt unnatural. Then as you entered a large dark room you were ambushed by things that were half machine and half man. You fought them off best you could, but there were too many. As you saw your alies being beated down to the ground, you saw how they were picked up and dragged away. Knowing you were likely going to meet the same fatey you did the only thing you could, you ran. You ran through passage aways, left, right, left until you had no idea where you were going.   You finaly burst into another large room where two other teams were fighting more of these half machine things. They seemed to be having a hard time at it. You raised your sword and leaped into battle, with a few swings of your sword the fight was over. You looked at the others and realized that these teams were teams you had made a deal with on the train ride to the Azihr ruins. Perhaps you could work together, maybe you could save Nicolas' sister.


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