How to Communicate? Wait.. What is this?

The complete HW assignment roundup!   For the Soi̯ngan, communication has always been about in person interactions. There are some remote communication methods, but these are not preferred if any of the people involved are able to travel to talk in real time. It isn't that the other methods are not reliable, it is just the personal interaction that all Soi̯ngan prefer and miss when using the other methods.   This has, of course, changed when more and more people were found to be able to use the runes. Once the runes were more widely used, and the differing groups/factions started appearing... more and more the use of remote communication items and eventually a secretive codex for encrypting the messages began to appear. This has made each of the groups begin to attempt breaking the other groups codex/cyphers.  
  • Why is this so important?
  • Who is responsible for deciphering the other groups communications?
  • As the founder of the newly revived rune usage, how does Tra'Mak view the changes to his discovery?
  • Is Tra'Mak even alive for the chance to be offended or supportive?
  • The Language of Soi̯ngan   Place holder for the entire HW assignment.

    Cover image: Header Image by Tiqdreng


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